Strange Happenings

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"I was drunk, and y-You're in m-my bed-"I noticed his stuttering and cut him off,"Well, we didn't, I came in here this morning"I snapped, throwing the sheets to the side and quickly got up,"Speaking of this morning, where is tord, let along matt?"I asked. Tom perked up,"Tord left last night after I came home wit-"he stopped himself quickly, I knew what he was going to say, another woman left the house late last night once tom was out cold. I was still snuggling with matt watching television, until we noticed another girl slipping out the door and I got upset.

  My emotions have been taking over lately, though, it's never happened often before, I get more down whenever I'm without tom, or when he is with someone else. I'm really not sure why, it's not like I would be in love with my friend, let alone have sexual interaction like he thought. I wonder why that idea would even enter his mind, I shook it off and I went to the door, my fingers rushing to the knob.

  I quickly open the door before the question could get asked, unfortunately I wasn't quick enough,"Why were you in my room?"tom asked, and I froze. I ignored him and continued walking to the living room, as my heart sank.

There on the floor lie creamed colour papers torn apart, tinted broken glass, white cotton spilled onto the floor from the velevet red couch, and an unhealthy amount of blood spilled  in pools, staining the tan colored carpet, as I was horrified with who I saw on the floor.


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