Ch 7

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Time flies by, and the party ended. People started to leave at a blink of an eye. Claire, Mat and I were one of the sea of humans rushing through their cars; others are just walking home.

"This was so much fun,Mat!" Claire shrieked. "I wish we could do this all the time."

"Heh, yea..." Mat said, looking down while shuffling his feet. He wrapped his arm around her shoulder, which made Claire blush. I just don't like looking at them, makes me disgusted in a way.

We're all at our own homes, feels nice, warm and cozy. "I'm home!" I cheerfully said. My whole body is tired, so I walked all the way to my room.

I shut the door. I wandered around the dark room. Slowly walking through the picture frames, I spotted an old family photo. It was covered in dust which made me sneeze. I accidentally dropped what I was holding. The glass shattered on the floor, tiny bits of them are visible for they sparkle in the moonlight. I sighed and picked up the broken frame. The picture was with my mom, dad, and another girl. Although I'm not familiar with her, I tried to touch and brushed my fingers across the photo. "Ouch!" I exclaimed. My fingers bled continuously. I tried to pluck the glass out of my skin until I felt better. Something suddenly flashbacks through my mind.

"Mommy! Mommy!" the 3 year old me called. I was crying in pain. Mom rushed outside to get me. She knelt down and asked me "What happened, dear?". I lifted my tiny hand and pointed at the bleeding part. "Oh no." my mom said. She lifted me and ran through the bathroom, where the first aid kit was. Mom instantly plopped me down a stool and began to wash my hand with water. "Hazel, what happened to Monica?" a voice asked. I slightly lifted my head and saw my dad almost panicking. "Nothing much happened, Tony." she calmly replied, although I can feel that her heart is beating faster. I looked down to see what was the continuous pain I feel. She was plucking the glass out with some tool while dad was patting my head.

I rushed towards the bathroom to get some bandages. I smiled as I stuck each piece of them on my skin.

My phone rang.

Who could it be?

I snatched my phone quickly and examined the screen.

It was Mat.

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