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News Flash!

"Chaos has taken over Ninjago City. Every citizen is living in fear since the evil Master Chen has escaped the cursed realm and taken over our city. Sadly, the police aren't able to do anything as he and his assistant Clouse are too powerful,"

"That is very true, Lauren. And it only makes me wonder: where are our old saviours? Where are the famous Ninja?"

"Oh yes Danny, since the Ninja defeated Nadakhan they have seemed to dissapeared into thin air. Noone really knows where they are or what they are doing right now,"

"Could it be possible that it's their fault that Chen is back?"

"Hopefully not! We need them back!"

"This was reporters Lauren and Danny speaking, we will let you all know if we find out anything else. Thank you,"

~End of programme~

"Did you see that Clouse!?" Asked Chen excitedly whilst turning off the TV, "we're on Television!"

"Yes Master... but you shouldn't bother about that now. What you do need to think about, though, is how you're going to make everyone listen to you and your orders..." hissed Clouse in his usual, cold tone.

"Oh, calm down Clouse, we have time to think about that! It's not like anything can get in our way now that the Ninja are weak and vulnerable," said Chen dismissing him and stroking his staff.

"Master, it's been a week, they could easily be up on their feet training right now,"

Chen sighed, "and? Even if they are then they still don't have their elemental powers. And I have them all. If they try to attack then I can easily take them down. Plus, Kaitlyn is dead so they're one fighter down aswell,"

"Right... but if anything unexpected happens then don't blame it on me..."

"Who knew that moving around Ninjago in a flying ship would be so cool?" Asked Chen, changing the subject.

"I'm pretty sure you've seen that the Ninja have the exact same one..."

"I know, I know but I've never really owned one myself, did I- "

Chen was suddenly interrupted by something (or rather someone) falling onto his ship.

"Clouse? What was that?"

"Uh, hello?" A boy with deep blue eyes and hazel, messy hair walked into the room. He had pale, smooth skin and wore a dark, grey jacket.

Chen looked confused, "Who the heck are you?!"

"Well um..." the boy looked around the big room he was in.
"I'm C-Caleb," he stuttered.

"And what are you doing here, Caleb?" Hissed Clouse and shut the door.

Caleb blinked, "I-I have no idea... I t-think I teleported... Somehow..."

"Teleported?" Chen stood up from his chair and smiled evily. He was a bit taller than Caleb which made Caleb shiver.

"I... I think I should get going now," he said quickly and started heading out.

"Oh, why leave so soon, child?" Smirked Chen and darkness filled the room.


(Whooo yay! So, as you can all see, I'm back xD and I'm very sorry for the short prologue, I promise the chapters will all be their normal length like in my other book ;) anyway, I hope you guys enjoy this book as much as you enjoyed the last one :D )~ ItzSkylor

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