Chapter 1 Your stalker

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(This is an inspired story 😄)

You walked to school like you normally did, you lived close to the college, so you didn't need a dorm. That and you had freedom from your overprotective parents, YAY ADULTHOOD!!! But... You felt eyes on you, like someone was watching... You looked behind you to see no one, you just shrugged and walked a little faster. And once you got to the center of 'Edd University', your friends were staring at someone, blushing.

"What a-are you staring at?" You asked, they pointed to a guy with grey eyes(I DUNNO WHAT HIS EYE COLOR IS!) devil horned hair, and a red hoodie, it was Tord, one of your used to be friends. He left you and the gang awhile ago, you thought it was about Tom, because they constantly fought. They even almost killed each other once.

"He's so like handsome!" Bratty said, (Yes peeps, YAS.)

"I like know right?! Almost as hot as Mettaton!" Catty said.

"Oh, Turd?" You questioned, Bratty and Catty looked at you in disbelief."That's his nickname, we used to be friends."

"Really?!" Bratty asked, you nodded in response, but then... Mettaton, came through, your friends floated hearts to him. That's when you caught Tord staring at you, you tilted your head cutely. You decided to talk to him, just to catch up and all that.

"H-Hi Tord!" You greeted,"It's been awhile h-huh?" Tord put his finger under your chin.

"You're still shy?" Tord asked,"Aww~"

"N-No I'm n-not!" You said."I-I.... I'm c-cool!"

"Don't worry butterscotch, I like you this way~" Tord replied with a sexy smirk. You were the little cinnamon roll and patted his head cutely, because he flirted with you all the time. This time seemed different, but you didn't want to deal with it...(LOGIC)

After school ended....

You skipped home happily, you had no homework tonight! Yay! It was about nine or so since you studied with your pal Sans, he was lazy though... You heard footsteps behind you, and saw Tord again. You waved shyly at him, but... Something seemed... Different... He didn't wave back, he smirked psychopathically. You got a little nervous, Tord came out of the shadows with a type of uniform on... It said 'Red leader'.  You panicked, the red leader was the most powerful man in the world! You didn't know who he was, but now you did. You ran for it, you didn't want to die! You had so much you wanted to do!

??? POV
Butterscotch was running... Poor innocent (Y/n), SHE DOESN'T HAVE A CHOICE. I snapped my fingers and then came Paul and Patryk, my most loyal soldiers.

"Get her," I ordered. And they ran to her without hesitation. Butterscotch wouldn't get away so easily~

Your POV

You saw two soldiers behind you, with rope. You ran faster, but the soldier with the bushy brows pounced on you, he tied your hands will the other tied your legs. They saluted Tord once he was in front of you.

"Hello butterscotch~" Tord said,"Going somewhere~?"

"P-Please let me go! I didn't do anything!" You cried,"I didn't d-do anything to h-hurt the red army did I?!" Tord pet you...?

"Oh sweetie, you didn't do a thing!" Tord replied."But there is one thing you did do... You stole my heart~" You were surprised, and terrified, the red leader love YOU?!

"M-My parents will f-find out I'm gone!" You blurted out, Tord giggling childishly.

"Butterscotch, I've already silenced them days ago!" Tord responded,"Have you not noticed?" You turned pale, he killed your parents... Why...? Just so he could get to you, you started to cry a little. Paul and Patryk looked away, they hated seeing people cry. Tord responded picking you up bridal style and kissed your forehead. You head butted him sending him to the ground, you grabbed a piece of broken glass conveniently on the ground and freed yourself.

"Pat?" Paul said quietly looking at a pissed Tord.

"GET HER... NOW." Tord said angrily, Paul and Patryk ran after you.

"P-Please! Leave me alone!" You shouted, but the two soldiers didn't listen, you then reached your house and slammed the door behind you. Hey, I said you loved close huh? You locked every window, door, and openings you could find. You decided to call your best friend, ANTISEPTICEYE. (YUS PEEPS, YUS.)


'A-Anti! I n-need help!'

'It's too late to study (Y/n)...'

'NO! I mean the red leader is here!!!!!!'

'You can't be serious!!!'

'I think I p-pissed him off or something in his army...'

'Hold it, I'm on my way..' You waited for a minute, and there Anti was. You ran to him and gave him a hug. He hugged and protected you, looking at every window and door.

"I can't use my powers now, but I can charge." Anti said,"I just need a minute or two. My powers weakened from Papyrus's spaghetti...." You wanted to giggle, but you had to be quiet. All of a sudden, Anti was sprayed with HOLY WATER. Anti had melted into a puddle...

"Anti!" You shouted, you heard a chuckle. Tord was in front of you, holding the container of the holy water. He threw it aside and walked over to you. You scooted back, terrified of your friend.

"He was getting in the way," Tord said psychopathically, he took out a knife."Of MY butterscotch~" Tord then backed you up into a wall, he pressed the knife against your throat.

"D-Don't kill me..." You stuttered, Tord cupped your cheek.

"Aww~ I won't kill you sweetheart, but if you move... TELL THE NURSES I'LL BE THERE TO PICK YOU UP..." You flinched, a tear rolling down your eye. Tord licked the tear(EEWWWWWW) and smirked."So SWEET~ Now butterscotch, come with me... YOU DON'T HAVE A CHOICE." Tord held some rope, you tried to struggle and run away, but this devil was tough! He tied you up and gagged you so you wouldn't scream for help. He threw you over his shoulder and carried you outside. He gave you to Paul."Hold her real quick, I gotta fake her death~" Once Tord was gone, you struggled in Paul's arms.

"Don't move... Or else... He might hurt you..." Paul said sadly, you cried a little. You were being taken from your life, ripped from this world. Tord came back with a bit of blood on him, you shook a little.

"Oh! You're wondering about this?" Tord asked you,"Well, I mixed your father's blood with your mother's blood, you're DNA will match theirs. And I've put a wild wolf on there and ripped up some of your clothes, so don't worry for the outside world looking for you." You whimpered in response,"Ok Paul, hand her to me." You shook your head, saying no, but Paul did it anyway. Tord nuzzled you, like a kitten almost. He sat in the back of the red car and held you close. You shook and cried for hours... Until you fell asleep.

"Boss, I don't mean to be... Um, weird... But what will you do with the girl?" Patryk whispered.

"I'll make her my queen~" Tord replied setting your head in his lap,"But first I'll teach her how to love me. Then no one will take butterscotch away~" Tord played with your hair, even though it was sweaty and a little dirty. Tord thought it was amazing.

"Um, boss... Why do you love her so much?" Patryk asked.

"Pat! Shut it!" Paul said.

"Nah, it's ok." Tord responded,"She's the reason I live Pat. She is EVERYTHING to me, I can't lose her! SHE WILL BE MINE. She doesn't have a choice." (Why do I keep saying that?!)

To be Le continued~

Yandere! Red leader Tord x Shy! Reader butterscotch~Where stories live. Discover now