Chapter 5 The Red Boi

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You walked around the base, with a collar in of course. Tord didn't want you try anything, you decided to watch the kids train. The kids were orphans or the children of the soldiers, that's at least what you were told. One of the kids however caught your eye, he always messed up with guns and training. So you decided to help him out. You walked up to him and he looked at you, once he realized who you were he clumsily saluted you.

"O-Oh! You don't have to salute me!" You said kindly. The boy quickly relaxed and started shooting at the target, you noticed he was holding the gun wrong. "Wait a moment! Here, let me help! You're supposed to hold the gun like this." You straightened the gun and pointed it at the target, "Then you put your finger on the trigger.... Now fire!" The boy shot the target, bullseye! You read his name tag, "Red." Well that was convenient, Red army, and there's a boy named Red. Maybe the others are name Red....

"Hey miss?" Red questioned, you tilted your head in response. "Why aren't you happy here? Did the Red leader do something to upset you? Did he steal a cookie from you?" Oh god, he was so innocent.... If he'd known....

"Well, I'm just a little grumpy that's all. I haven't had my coffee yet." You replied.

"Oh! Okie dokie!" Red responded. You and Red became like Mother and Son, he was too innocent to be a soldier...

"How'd you end up here....?" You asked one day, Red thought for a moment.

"Um... Well..." Red said trying to think. "I was told my town was blown to bits by the Dark army, and the Red army came and took me in. I had a severe case of amnesia, because I hit my head on a rock. So they gave me a new name and started training me! And I've tried hard.... But I'm not good at guns like Red leader is...." You patted his head. Some back story... Tord gave you a look when you came to your room.

"Relax," You said. "He's my son, he's not taking me away from you. Besides, you're always gone, he keeps me company."

"Well.... I'll stay by your side the whole week, no trips!" Tord said Back, he was kinda cute when he was jealous. WAIT, NUPE. HE KIDNAPPED YOUR ASS AND TRIED TO STAB YOUR FRIEND. THIS'LL BE LIKE THE STORY OF BEAUTY AND THE BEAST OF THAT SYNDROME I CAN'T NAME. *Ahem!*

"Hey! I have an idea!" You said, "How about we be parents?" Tord turned a deep red.

"W-We just started going out Butterscotch!" Tord stuttered, you rolled your eyes.

"NOT LIKE THAT!" You shouted, "Pretend parents." Yep, that's right. You wanted an excuse to hang with Red, besides... Tord can see that Red's not a danger. You swore, he would over react to every little thing.

"Oh." Tord replied, he seemed kinda disappointed. "So who's out pretend child?"

"Red, you need to see that he's not a danger." You responded. "I don't want you killing him because your jealous."

"I'd kill him if he gets in the way." Tord said darkly. You flinched at his words.

"M-Maybe it's not a-a good idea then!" You stuttered worries that Red could be in danger.

"Works for me." Tord said, "Anyway... We never got to have some.... Alone time~" You Guys pretty much had a make out session, and you pretended to kiss back. After a week Tord had to go again, he hated it but it was his job. But Red had something being planned, he noticed that Tord was kind of forcing himself on you. And he's watched anime, he thought you were a tsndere at first.... But he soon realized that Tord was a Yandere. He had to get you out! Somehow.... So, he got a friend that people thought was imaginary... He was his only friend apparently.

(M'kay, take a guess of who that imaginary friend is. He's not made up like Red is, I'll give y'all a hint... He's creepy as hell. HHHHHHHHH. First person who gets it right gets a request from me! So much as a drawing to making up the next chapter! Good luck :3)

Red had also made sure Tord was gone out of the base.... And then he and his "Friend" started planning things. But here's the thing.... Red also had a Yandere, and that Yandere was also a Tsndere. What does it mean? Well, she wasn't going to let him escape...

To be le continued~

Sorry this was late ;-;

Yandere! Red leader Tord x Shy! Reader butterscotch~Where stories live. Discover now