Chapter 4 HE'S INSANE...

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??? POV
My sweet butterscotch ran away from me, oh well. I'll let her have a normal life for now, but in one year sharp, SHE WILL BE MINE.

No one's POV.

Your life started to be normal again, you never saw Tord again! You were relieved, you had made new friends too, one of them being the one and only, Pewds. (🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I COULDN'T RESIST!!!!) You were excited being friends with one of the most popular youtubers in the world! He showed you his life, how to tape, and you got a job of being his editor! It was all so amazing... Until one day...

A year later...

You and the gang were singing 'Oh Christmas tree' while Tom was frowning in the back. You drank and ate, you laughed, Edd and Sans told puns to each other. Anti was healing his arm from that holy water, Jack had helped Anti out. Jack healed him, why? Because he was your friend, and you BEGGED Jack to help him. Dark and Mark were talking about Wilford, and you and Luffy were talking about food.(ONE PIECE!!!!!!) Luffy was a good friend, and idiot, but still good. He protected you, he helped you in every way he could. The reason you two were friends was because you helped him cope with his brother's death. But, that night was the scariest thing you've experienced... Why? Well, you and Luffy had passed out from all that eating, and Edd carried you both to bed. Yes, you were in the same bed, but Luffy had no idea what sex was... SO HE COULDN'T DO ANYTHING. He was a raven haired cinnamon roll. But you woke up to someone walking up the stairs in the middle of the night!! You closed your eyes, thinking it was Edd just now going to bed. But, your door opened, and again, you thought it was Edd. Until he started to talk...

"Oh butterscotch~" You heard a familiar voice say, your heart pounded out of your chest."It's almost time, to finally take you back~. I can't wait! But, tell me, why are you sleeping with this boy?" Naturally, you didn't respond, I mean, what would happen if he found out you were awake?!"Oh, you can't answer that can you?" You heard Tord take something from his pocket, you opened your eyes slightly, to see Tord with a knife. He held it up, aiming for Luffy's chest, and before he could stab him, you grabbed him arm in response. He stopped in his tracks.

"D-Don't do it..." You told Tord,"I... I'll do whatever you want... Just please, don't hurt anyone... You can do anything to me too, but again... I beg you, don't hurt my friends!" Tord looked at you for a moment, and grinned.

"Ok then~" Tord said,"It's a deal."

"But if I hear that you even scratched them, I will escape and never return." You said back, Tord flinched a little.

"Alright butterscotch, it's a deal." Tord said with a smirk.

"B-But, can I pack things first?" You asked, Tord tilted his head.

"Like what? An escape kit?" Tord asked, you shook your head.

"M-My teddy bear..." You stuttered, you held up your teddy bear. Tord nodded in response, you packed some books too, you tucked Luffy in. Tord held out his hand for you to take, you were hesitant at first... But you finally took it, Tord then pulled you into a kiss.

"Come on now my queen, we have people waiting for us~" Tord purred, you followed him into his car and Paul was surprised to see you, so was Pat.

"Uh.." Paul tried to say, but Tord held up his hand.

"We made a deal, now she's with me forever~" Tord responded snuggling with you, he placed his head in your chest, since he was a perv... And then he pointed to his head."Pet me." You rubbed his head gently while the car drove, he purred like a cat in response."From now on, call me daddy, or master... You can pick sweet cheeks~" (Which one? :D)

"O-Ok... M-Master..." You stuttered.

"Good choice~" Tord said sitting between your legs. He slept in your lap for the rest of the ride...

To be continued....

Yandere! Red leader Tord x Shy! Reader butterscotch~Where stories live. Discover now