Chapter 3 ESCAPE!!!!!!!!!!!

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He continued to suck on your sweet spot, you tried to push him away, but he was too strong. I mean this is the red leader we're talking about, while Tord was busy you saw a phone charger. THAT WAS IT! Your escape attempt! You pretended to pet his back, reaching for the charger, you grabbed it and threw it under the bed. Tord continued for awhile, until he stopped. He played with your hair, twirling it, he even braided a part of it.

"Oh butterscotch, I can't wait for us to be wed~" Tord said.

"I... I can't marry you," You said back standing your ground.

"I know, not right now. I mean, we've already gotten into this relationship!" Tord replied, he technically called you his girlfriend without your consent.

"B-But I-" Tord put his finger over your mouth.

"Ok honey bun, here's what I'm gonna do." Tord started,"I'm putting you to sleep for awhile, then you'll wake up in a magical place~"

"W-Wait! I d-don't w-" You stuttered, but Tord left the room. You were confused, that's when the cell door was sealed so no air could get in, the place filled with sleeping gas. You held your breath, but you had a minute. You ran to the bathroom, no luck... Closet, no luck either. You began to feel dizzy, and you passed out. Everything was black from there.

??? POV

"I think she passed out boss," Paul said to me.

"Oh, perfect~" I replied with a smirk. I went inside the room after the gas had cleared up, and if there was, I wouldn't have noticed. I saw my phone charger under the bed for some reason, I must've dropped it while I was having my time with butterscotch~ I picked it up and put it my pocket, then I picked up my sweet love. She looked so peaceful asleep~ I unchained her, only to tie her up, we can't have any escape attempts can we? SHE'S ALL MINE.

No one's POV

You woke up to your puppy licking you, you giggled in response.

"Oh butterscotch~" You heard a familiar voice say,"You're so adorable~" You looked to see the devil himself but... He had a KNIFE. You flinched, you looked around to see that you were in a cabin. With a shock collar on. Tord walked towards you, lust in his eyes.

"N-No!" You shouted,"Get a-away from me... Please... You're scaring me..." Tord stopped in his tracks, looking surprised, and sad at the same time. This was your chance! You tackled him to the ground, tying him up with your own rope that you cut off with the knife. Then you used the knife to unlock the shock collar, you made a break for it. With your puppy of course.

"(Y/N)!" Tord shouted, he couldn't move because you tied his hands and legs, you ran out into the forest, not looking back. You saw someone... Familiar ahead, IT WAS DARK. You ran to him and hugged him, Dark was surprised.

"(Y/n)?" Dark questioned, he knew how panicked you were, so he teleported you to Edd's house. Everyone saw you and ran to you.

"Holy sh-" Tom ran and hugged you, this guy was your cousin.(I had to ok?!)"Don't disappear ever again..."

"You escaped...?" Edd asked, Matt and Tom turned to him. You nodded,"I'm glad."

"I was gonna pick her up anyway," Dark butted in."So she'd be here no matter what." You called your parents after you charged your phone, they came and kissed you all over. They were so happy, you were happy... But someone wasn't, he planned to get you back, and make you HIS.


To be continued....

Yandere! Red leader Tord x Shy! Reader butterscotch~Where stories live. Discover now