Chapter 6 The Plan

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((This is what Red looks like BTW, took forever to draw him OoF))

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((This is what Red looks like BTW, took forever to draw him OoF))

You had been walking around with Red for awhile.... Pinky there was one girl that always gave you the chills... It was a pink haired girl actually, her name was Pinky. ((RANDOM NAME LMAO))
She stuck to Red like glue, Red didn't like it though.... And this seemed familiar actually, but you had other things to worry about, like Tord for an example.

"Hey (Y/n), Listen.... I need to talk to you..." Ted said Suddenly, "B-But it's gotta be just us... Alright...?" You were surprised, but agreed.

"You're lucky Tord isn't here." You said to him, "But what's wrong...?"

"I-I..... I just got my m-memory back...." Red replied, you froze... When? How? But you were curious, who was Red...? "Well, my name truly is Red. But I'm actually the brother of an army leader, I-I can't stay here! And I know you hate it here too... S-So, my and my um... Friend we're going to that army base, he has something to do there...."

"I'd love to come with you," You said, but your expression saddened. "But I have to stay here, or else Tord'll hurt my friends. Or worse....."

"I-I see... Listen, (Y/n), if that Tord you were talking about.... The old days Tord, he's still in there...." Red responded, "Yanderes are triggered by something that happened in their lives, and the one person they'd kill for is the person that they care about the most. I'll come back one day, maybe if you talk to Tord, he might tell you how he went crazy for you." You were a little shocked, the fact that Red wasn't calling him Red Leader anymore and the fact that he knew this...

"H-How do you know all this?" You asked.

"Anime," Red replied. "C'mon Jack, let's go!" Suddenly a figure appeared, a blue mask, no eyes, and a hoodie appeared. Then both Red and Jack had disappeared. And before Red left though, he gave something to you.... It was a locket of some kind, you opened it to find your friends, and Tord. Edd, Tom, Matt, you, and Tord were smiling looking so happy in the picture. Those were the days... You missed them, and Red had a point.... You were gonna solve the yandere mystery, no matter what gets in your way.

To be le continued~

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2018 ⏰

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Yandere! Red leader Tord x Shy! Reader butterscotch~Where stories live. Discover now