I Can't Decide

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Trevor's POV:

I woke up, trying to rub the fuzzy feeling in my head away. I blinked my eyes, realizing that I had passed out on the floor. I got up, looking over my shoulder to see that Michael was sound asleep on the couch. I cooed him with a quiet 'awh', stretching my aching body. I will admit that Mikey did look adorable while he was asleep. Not bothering to awaken him from his slumber, I walked into the kitchen to see if there was anything for breakfast. Seeing as Michael probably sits on his ass all day while that maid of his cooks and cleans, I'd say it's fair to guess that he doesn't know anything about cooking.

I opened the fridge and pulled out some eggs and bacon and placed them on the counter, along with a loaf of bread I found in one of the pantries. I grabbed two frying pans and began to fry up a large breakfast for the two of us. I put a few slices of toast in the toaster and put a tub of butter on the kitchen table, along with salt, pepper, and a few other condiments. I put down plates and cutlery on each placemat and walked back to the kitchen to complete breakfast. I groaned in frustration as I had managed to burn everything, except the toast. I put the burnt eggs, burnt bacon, and perfectly toasted toast on separate plates on the dining room table. I'm not a good cook or anything, but this was good enough for my standards.

"Morning, T." Michael yawned, taking a seat at the dining room table. I snickered at his sleepy but flawless blue-grey eyes and roughed up his soft hair. The atmosphere became a tad awkward, because I think I had touched his hair for too long.

"Woah, you didn't have to make breakfast." He insisted, taking a seat at the dining table. His grin slowly dialled back when he noticed how burnt it was.

"It's the least I can do, since your letting me stay here for awhile." I grinned, sitting in the empty chair across from Michael. Breakfast was quiet, but it seemed like he barely enjoyed it. We began to clean up after eating.

"Trevor, I've got something that I really need to ask you." Michael piped up, leaning against the counter.

"What is it, Mikey." I replied, looking up from the sink full of freshly cleaned dishes.

"This is going to sound really stupid, but last night, you told me about something, and I don't even think that you remember telling me." Michael explained with a hint of laughter in his voice. I scratched my head, trying to think of what he could have possibly heard me say, but there weren't many things that I could think of. It was probably just some random drunken thoughts I had said without meaning it.

"Spit it out, Mikey, I say lots of weird, fucked up shit, sober or not. It's probably about those crazy bikers or the meth lab I blew up awhile back." I chuckled, flashing Michael a grin.

"Nope. Something even crazier than that." Michael replied. I honestly had no clue as to what could be crazier than a burning meth lab...

"I'm out of ideas," I groaned, "Just tell me already, Mikey."

"You told me that you had feelings for me." Michael murmured. I could feel my body tense up and the blood drained from my face. I have no idea what had gotten into me or why I would have thought about confessing to him. I tried to laugh it off as a joke and play dumb. 

"Crazy, right?" He laughed, lightly punching my arm. The atmosphere quickly became quiet and awkward, neither of us making any noise. I put on my poker face as I began my attempt at recovering my secret.

"Yeah... Crazy. I honestly don't know what got into me, I probably thought you were a hot girl, you and your sugar-" Michael cut me off before I could tease him about being chubby in certain areas.

"Don't even finish that sentence, T, I'm being serious. You don't actually have feelings for me, do you?" Michael asked in all seriousness, seeing past my bluff. That damned troll and his silver tongue could make up a thousand lies in a second, even seeing past my own bad attempts of lying.

"What does it matter to you, Michael. You just want me to be gay, huh." I denied, lightly punching him back in the arm. Michael gave me a serious look, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Okay, okay, I'll come clean, Mikey. I do have feelings for you, what does it even fucking matter to you?" I could feel my cheeks heating up from both embarrassment and anger as the hateful words spilled out of my mouth.

"Trevor, I don't know if I'm ready to move on from Amanda, this isn't the first time her and I have gotten into a fight. And, we're still legally married. You're going to have to give me some time to make up my mind." Michael explained, taking the situation seriously.

"Fine. I'll give you your precious fucking time." I muttered. I groaned, in frustration, walking towards the entrance, wanting to chicken out of talking to Michael.

"Trevor! You literally just got here!" Michael frowned, running in front of me before I could even reach for the door knob.

"Get it over with, is it a yes or a no? I... I have to leave, Michael." I growled, tempted to push Michael out of my way.

"Just give me time,Trevor." He begged, staying in place as I tried to squeeze past him. I backed up in defeat, grunting and cursing under my breath.

"Time? I've waited my whole fucking life to tell you and you want me to wait, yet again?" I yelled, several tears slid down my swelled cheeks. I aggressively pushed Michael out of my way and headed outside in the direction of the rusted Bodhi.

"Trevor!" I could faintly hear Michael's voice call for me as I began driving away. I let out the tears I have been trying to hold back stream down my face uncontrollably. I'm going to have to go back home because I can't even bear to be here right now. I've waited my whole life, and he's making me wait even more, how much time does it take to give out a simple yes or no? I cursed aloud, wiping my tears with my free hand. It wasn't like me to be crying, especially over that worthless, hypocritical piece of shit. Who am I fucking kidding, I can't help but care...

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