One For The Road

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Michael's POV;

"You can't let anyone control you like that, baby." I lectured. Trevor began to steer, veering onto the road that would take us back to his trailer. After a few sharp turns, we had made it home. I watched as Trevor ran up to the door, opening it.

"Ma?" He called. I watched as he poked his head in the trailer, only to come out, crying. His hands slid down his reddened face in frustration, stretching it out for a few split seconds.

"S-She left..." He sniffled, stumbling back into the truck. He moved in my leather seat, trying to find a comfortable position to sit in.

"Gimme the weed, all it does is make ya feel funny. It's a baby drug for cryin' out loud. A little weed never killed anybody." He wept, holding his hand out, expecting me to fall through with his scheme.

"You said you would quit." I reminded, my knee defensively pressed up against the glovebox. Trevor grunted with annoyance, smashing his head against the steering wheel, making the car shift around, even through he lucky wasn't pressing against the gas pedal. The horn blared for a few seconds, because he had accidentally hit it a few times.

"Trevor!" I scolded, pulling his bloodied face away from the blood covered steering wheel. He looked up at me, tears and blood streaming down his face. I proceeded to wipe the tears that fell down his face and grabbed a napkin and began wiping away the blood that dropped from the gashes on his face.

"I can't even fucking function without constantly being high off something! Do you even understand how fucking worthless that makes me feel, or are you still stuck in your fuckin' 80's movie fantasy you... you... sick... ba...stard..." He sobbed, watching my hand as I carefully dried the blood.

"Calm down, T." I soothed, pecking him on the cheek.

"Can you drive?" He frowned, taking the napkin from my hands and pressed it against the gash on his forehead.

"No, we're not going anywhere if you're going to act like this. And I'm trying to keep you from relapsing." I droned. He frowned, rubbing his wet eyes with his shirt sleeve. Trevor continued to cry in silence, staring down at his hands.

"I'm really sorry T." I apologized, putting my arm around his shoulders.

"It's not your fault I can't act like an adult." He loathed. I got out of the car, rushing over to the driver's seat to comfort Trevor. I opened the door and it felt as if Trevor had melted into my body as he tightly hugged me.

He cried, making a large wet spot on the shoulder of my jacket. I sighed, sliding my hands under his thighs and struggled to carry him over to the trailer door. I pulled him up higher, my chin resting on his shoulder as I tried to look for a clear path of where I was walking. I opened the unlocked door with my foot, slowly shuffling inside. I laid him down on his messy bed, exhaling from relief as I had put him down. I groaned in pain, laying by his side. It was silent for a moment, and I couldn't tell if Trevor was still crying or not.

"I need a beer..." He managed to croak, his teared up eyes looking over at me.

"What you need some rest." I insisted, pulling his cold body closer to mine. Trevor whined in protest, but he managed to calm down and eventually fall asleep. I stared at the bare ceiling as Trevor's head rested along my stomach. I rubbed his scalp, sighing to myself. I felt him get up, but I felt too tired to get up, but I managed to slip under the blankets. Trevor surely enough had came back and gave me a tight hug.

"Mikeyyy." He whispered, his voice had an undertone of both misery and laughter, which was pretty average for such a mood-swinging psychopath like Trevor. He spoke leaning closer to my face, his warm breath tickling my ear.

"Shut up, T." I growled, pushing his face away from my ear.

"I can't sleep." He complained, moving in closer, but I didn't bother pushing him away.

"You literally just got into bed." I reminded him, rolling my eyes.

"Can't we go watch a movie and drink some beer?" He suggested. I really wanted to watch a movie, but I also needed to sleep.

"I'm too tired." I yawned, stretching my sore body.

"Ugh. You're no fun! When you were younger, you would have been like 'Fuck yeah, Trevor! You're my favourite person on the entire fuckin' earth, let's go get pissed drunk'." He grunted, rolling over.

"Love you too, T." I scoffed. I smirked as I presse my cold feet against his warm back.

"Fuck off!" He shouted, pulling a shirt up and off the floor and sliding it over his head and onto his body. I chucked,
closing my eyes, trying to fall asleep.

"Don't you wanna pull an all nighter? It'll be like when we were kids." Trevor pleaded.

"I bet you'll fall asleep at one." I teased.

"Only one way to know for sure." He laughed.

"Fine. I'll stay up. But I'm picking the movie." I groaned, getting out of bed. I walked over to the television mounted onto the wall. I picked up a DVD box that had been resting on top of the counter and I opened it. I pulled the disk out of the box and slid it into the DVD player. I fumbled around with the options on the tv remote until it switched from tv to the DVD player. Trevor had already taken care of food and drinks and he had set up two small fold out tables in front of each couch cushion. He laid out a large, warm blanket and covered himself up, watching me as I sat beside him. In front of me was a bottle of beer and a bowl of popcorn. Trevor rested his head against my shoulder as the movie began to play.

"You tell me to pull an all nighters, yet you're going to fall asleep any minute now, aren't you?" I asked. I looked down to see Trevor, who was laughing at me. I shook my head, looking back at the tv to watch the rest of the movie.

"I promise I won't fall asleep this  time." He promised, putting his arm around my shoulders, leaning his head on my left shoulder. Not even halfway through the movie, he had managed to fall asleep. I ended up quitting watching the movie, seeing as I had successfully stayed up longer than Trevor. I carefully lifted him, trying not to wake him up and laid him down in bed. I pulled out my phone to try and calm the kids and tell them we wouldn't be back tonight.

"C'mon, Tracey... Pick up." I muttered under my breath as I listened to the beeping of the phone.

"Hey, dad." I heard Tracey's tired voice on the other end of the phone.

"Hi, sweetie. I can't come home tonight, it's too long of a drive home and Trevor's already passed out-"

"I get it. Sleep tight. Tell Uncle T I say hello." She yawned.

"You're in charge. Tell your brother to not stay up too late. Night, Trace." I whispered, trying not to wake Trevor up.

"Night." I shut off my phone, tucking it into my pocket and entered the bedroom, crawling back into bed.

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