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Beliefs... believing is always tricky. Especially when you don't know what to believe in. We all believe in something even without realizing it. Some of us believe in a force controlling the whole universe, some of us believe in magic and some believe in themselves and so on. We all exist for a reason, we have a task, a mission to fulfill and when its complete we go back to where we came from or just simply stop existing. Now we never decide what are wrong beliefs and what are right beliefs. Its different for everyone. Belief comes from our past, our past decides our future, if our past treated us rough we are more likely to be a bitter and stronger person but if our past treated us easily and made it all easy for us we are more likely to be soft and a little weak. The biggest problem with us is that we lose hope very easily, just because somethings are bad we choose to give up before even trying. Its hard, I know it's hard but we have to keep trying. We can't give up. YOU can't give up! You've come too far and giving up is not an option. We need to accept the fact that people change, people leave amd at the end of the day, we came to this world alone and we will leave all alone. Maybe you should believe in yourself or whatever makes you stronger. You should move on because time won't heal anything unless you move along with it. We have exactly one life to live. YOU have one life to live and time passes real fast and life will always keep you from enjoying yourself, but you can't do anything about it because life is hard. It's supposed to be hard but you have to face it with a smile and win every battle that is being thrown your way. Just believe in yourself and believe that you can do it. It's okay if you don't matter to anyone. Believe me it doesn't matter, everyone is for themselves. Just matter to yourself. Love yourself. Appreciate yourself because everyday you fight, you fight something, without even knowing about it. You're a survivor. A warrior. A winner. Just live, and have believe. Its the most powerful force of all. It doesn't come with a price. It comes from within you. Belief is pure. Just believe and fight soon everything will seem to make sense and fall into place....

~Muntaqua Rana

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