"His 'Apology'........"

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Your P.O.V

"Look Y/n I'm really sorry! Please forgive me!" Gene cried
"Come on you can't stay made at me!"
"Hey Alpha!" I heard Daniel say
"Please Daniel call me Y/n. You don't have to call me alpha all the time."
I smiled
"Sorry Alpha. So Y/n. Dottie needs your help! She needs help with *cough* Blaze *cough*"
He smiled
"Oh! Heheh ok tell her  to meet me in the girl's locker room!" I say walking there.
"Sure thing Alpha!" Daniel runs away
I heard Gene growl

-Girl's Locker Room-

"So Dottie you asked for me?" I sit down
"Yes! So um....Blaze uh asked me to hang with him......he said it was *gulp* a date....." she was blushing.
"Awwww! Well don't you like him?" I say fan girly
"I've never been on a date....." she looks down
"Oh! I can help you!"
"No....wait where is your date?
"In the arcade at the mall."
"Oh them I could bring Rylan, June and Daniel and it could be a group date! Well except Me and Daniel are not going on a date. It's you guys, Rylan and June!
"Awesome! Thanks alpha I knew I could count on you!!!" She hugs me
"Just tell him to meet you there at 7:30 and I will get the others to agree!" I say hugging back
"Ok alpha see you there!!"

-The Date-

"Is this the arcade Guys?" I question
"I think so....So Rylan make sure you treat June right!" Daniel acted like June's Dad.
I laughed at this.
"D-D-D-Daniel!!!" Rylan was a blushing mess!
"Hehehe That's cute! Anyway let's go on our d-date Rylan." June was slightly blushing and takes Rylan's hand.
"Let's go on out "date" Daniel!" I say joking
"Hahahaha ok Alpha." He says
I take his arm and walk inside.

Gene's P.O.V

"Why are we doing this Sasha?" I wine
"I over heard Y/n when I was in locker room. Her and her "pups" are going on a triple date or double date." She says
I growl and the idea of Y/n being on a date with someone else.
"Ok...let's go see."
We walk in......Y/n....she is holding that werewolf's arm......

Your P.O.V

I drag Daniel to the claw machine. "Come on lets see if we can win something! I want a that wolf plush!!! It's so cute!!!" I cry
"Fine" he puts a token in and starts playing it
He grabs the green one and gives me the black one.
"Let's make them kiss! :3" he leans the plush to the other one
"Hehe. Mwah Mwah Mwah!" I say
"Mwah Mwah Mw--"
"YOU!!" Gene yells
Gene pulled me and starts caress my arms
"Leave me alone Gene!!!" I tried to pull away but he was holding me tight.
"Look" Gene turns me around and holds my body close to his.
"Gene! Leave me alo--"
"Look! I'm sorry for hurting your "pups" and trying to mark you....I searched it up after school....I'm sorry...." He sounded sad....Is that the right word?
"Look I don't care anymore just leave me alone!" I pull away and Me and Daniel walk away from him.
"Do you like him?" Daniel said worried
"Not in a million years. He is.....weird....I think that the right word to describe humans" I said confused.
"How do you feel about that human" He asked
"Weird....when he held me I felt.....protected. Ugh remind me to show my ears later." I say

Well that's it for today! Next Chapter (or chapters) come out tomorrow!!

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