"Our first kiss......"

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Your P.O.V

"Gene what are you hiding?" I saw Gene with something behind his back.
"Nothing :3" he looked up
"I can tell your lying. Your always look up when you lie!"
He sighed then took out two tickets.
"It's passes to the fall carnival......I wanted to surprise you...."
"Awwww! Your are so adorable!" I hugged him
"Hehe.....So you wanna go? It's in a few hours....."
"YES OF COURSE!" I felt my cheeks burn up.....
'Am I falling for Gene? I know he loves me....I....I THINK I AM!!'

Time Skip!!!!!

We just arrived at the carnival! My parents dropped us off.
"You take good care of her son!" My father said
"Wow Y/n your right he is handsome!" My mom said smiling
"W-WHAT M-M-MOM DON'T SAY THAT IN FRONT OF HIM!!!" My whole face went red. 'Oh my Irene I'm so embarrassed!'
Gene started to laugh.
"Anyway let's go Gene! Bye mom! Bye dad!" I grabbed Gene by the arm and walked inside. We have the passes then went in.
"Genie let's take a selfie while we are here!"
"Ok. Wait did you call me--"

(If you want you can ignore your hair style

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(If you want you can ignore your hair style. I couldn't find other photos :3)

"Hehe perfect!" I squealed
"You are perfect....."
"I-I meant the p-picture....." my cheeks were pink
"U-U-UH I KNEW THAT!" He grabbed my hand and took me to a ride.
"Gene I'm scared....."
"You can hold on to me if you want....."
During the whole ride I swear he was looking at me. But I ignored it. When we got off Gene was really dizzy.....'hehehe idiot...<3'
"Her Gene maybe we should go eat."
"Yeah I think you right...."
"I'm always right :3"
Gene chuckled, "why are you so adorable?...."
"Cause was made like this ;3"
"Then your parents bust be good looking to bake such a gorgeous werewolf."
"Hehehehe....they are! I get my looks from my mom and Aa--" I quickly covered my mouth.
"Nothing I meant to say and Awesomeness! Heheh"
'Hopefully that was a good save....'
"Well you are amazing! Come on where do YOU wanna go?"
"Hmmmm. *gasps* DINO LAND!!"
"Dino land? Aren't we a bit--"
I grabbed his hand, "We are never too old for Dino's!!!!"
He was laughing
There was a booth of Dino onesies!!
"I'm getting one!"
One change later
"Ahhh Look at me!!"

 *gasps* DINO LAND!!""Dino land? Aren't we a bit--"I grabbed his hand, "We are never too old for Dino's!!!!"He was laughing"AHHH LOOK GENIE!!"There was a booth of Dino onesies!! "I'm getting one!"One change later"Ahhh Look at me!!"

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"I love this!!! :3"
"Hey how about we end the day by going in the big wheel?"
When I went to sit in the cart I saw Gene give the worker more money and told him something.
'I wonder what there talking about.....'
"Ok let's do this!" Gene was so nervous for some reason....what is he planning.
When we were at the top it stopped. Then Gene held my hand and looked at me.
"G-Gene? What are you doing?"
"Y/n you know I love you.....right?"
My face went red, "Y-Yes I do so--"
I got cut off by a soft pair of lips on mine. I kissed him back......
Then the fire works went off....This was truly the perfect kiss....
'I love you too, My Genie.....'

Awww! This was the cutest thing I wrote. I was literally was fan girling while writing this XD.
Anyway have a nice day my shinning my shining stars :3

I will always be with you.....&lt;Gene x Female!Reader&gt;Where stories live. Discover now