Part 2

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After Izzy had calmed down, she made her way to the dining room where she sat down but no one ate until the alpha started to eat since it was the pack rules and those rules are never to be broken but they could be twisted and that is what Izzy often did, Jeremy started to eat followed by everyone else at the table even Izzy but she wasn't much of a big eater like the rest of the pack so she ate as much as she could before looked at her father. "May I leave the table and go for a run?"  She asked as Jeremy looked up from his plate. "Yes of course Izzy but take nick or Pete with you as we couldn't want you getting hurt"  Izzy groans as she stood up. "Do I have to? I'm old enough to go for a run by myself and I can protect myself" she said as Jeremy stood up and walked over to her. "Fine but stay away from hunters and the town as we don't need a repeat of last time Izzy Wizzy" Izzy smiled a little before she heard the nickname. "Stop calling me that dad as I'm not five years old anymore"  nick tried not to laugh as Logan walked in laughing before Izzy growled as a warning. "Izzy! Enough! You will always be my baby girl no matter how old you are" Jeremy said before kissing the top of her head then pulled her into a hug but even Izzy couldn't fight the love for her father or his hugs as he was her father and just wanted the best for her so she pulled away from the hug and ran off outside but Jeremy had sent nick and Pete after her just to make sure she didn't get into any trouble or danger like she usually did. Izzy had been running for about a good 20 minutes before she stopped and smelt the air but before she could do anything she was suddenly pinned to the floor by a mutt but it didn't take long before nick and Pete came to Izzy rescue but when Pete had jumped on the mutt, Izzy had gotten caught in the cross fire and howled loudly in pain mean while back at the house Jeremy stood up quickly while letting his cup of tea hit the floor and break before he ran though the woods looking for Izzy but the test of the pack wasn't far behind their alpha while Pete and nick fight off the mutt who had attacked Izzy then clay jumped onto the mutt and pinned him as Jeremy stopped clay from killing him. "Clay! Keep him alive" Jeremy said as nick's father picked Izzy up and carried her back to the house as clay dragged the mutt back to the house and locked him in the cage while nick helped his father with Izzy who was hurt pretty bad, Pete stayed with Izzy after Antonio was finished as the rest of the pack were in the basement integrating the mutt since Pete was worried about Izzy but he wondered why Izzy didn't fight the mutt so he looked her over before realizing that she had come down with a cold witch was normally as Izzy was coming to the age of her first transformation that would explain why she couldn't control her wolf self.

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