Part 3

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After getting all the information out of the mutt that attacked His daughter, Jeremy went into Izzy's room and sat on the bed beside her then kissed her hand then looked at Pete. "Has she not woken?" He asked Pete before looking back at his daughter then back at Pete who shook his head before standing up. "No Jeremy she hasn't even moved since she was brought up here....why did he do it Jeremy? She hadn't done anything to hurt anyone" Jeremy looked at Pete before sighing then pulled Pete out the room as he didn't want Izzy over hearing the talk. "He said that there is some sort of a rumor about Izzy that says she will become a danger to wolves and humans once she transformed for the first time so he thought taking her out would stop that" Jeremy said as Pete shakes his head in disbelief since he knew that Izzy wouldn't hurt anyone but Izzy had woken up and heard everything so she slowly opened the door then looked at her father then pete. "I want to see the mutt for myself" Jeremy looked at his daughter and nods before helping her down the stairs then down to the basement where clay, Elena and nick were waiting with the mutt. "Jeremy!? Are you crazy? She should be resting and she shouldn't be down here" nick said as he helped Jeremy with Izzy. "Nick hold your tongue as this is still her house as much as it is the pack house and she wanted to see the mutt" Izzy stumbles over to the cage where the mutt was locked up before looking at her father then at everyone else. "Can I have a minute with him alone?" Jeremy sighs and looked at Izzy before kissing her cheek. "We will just be outside that door so yell if you need us" izzy nods as he pushed nick and Pete out first then the rest followed him before Izzy looked at the mutt. "All this for a rumor that may not be true? I wouldn't ever hurt anyone" the mutt growled and reached for her though the bars of the cage. "I'm going to kill you!! I will rip your fucking head off!! No one will stop me! You better say your goodbyes as everyone around you will die! Everyone you love will die and it will be all your fault!" The mutt yelled as Jeremy, nick and clay walk back in and remove Izzy from the basement as she was in shock but clay had killed the mutt once Izzy was out of the room since Jeremy didn't want Izzy seeing someone be killed but izzy was busy freaking out and shaking while nick and Pete try to keep her calm. "Hey hey Izzy! Breath okay your not going to hurt anyone, don't believe a word that mutt said" nick said as he held her close to him but it wasn't working as she breaths faster and her eyes turned a different colour. "Jeremy!! Get up here!!" Pete yelled down to the basement as nick suddenly yelled in pain before Elena was thrown across the room but by the time Jeremy and clay got upstairs, Izzy was long gone and the front door wide open.

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