91. You, keep your mouth shut

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Translator: anhnguyen12332 HTrnAquarius

Don't rape the replay button *wink wink*

In my effort to get the last chapter up fast, I forgot to you everyone who sent me really heartwarming, supportive messages and comments about that event. I couldn't even answer them all because there were soooooo many! O_o but please know that I read them all and is very thankful ❣️❣️❣️. So here's a fast update for ya'lls ;).


Xia Yao gingerly sat down, his sore body felt as if it had been severely beaten.

His mind was in a chaotic state: What the hell happened?

The only impression he had was him and Xuan Da Yu had a dispute over something, then they ended up in one place......then it turned out like this. But Xia Yao couldn't understand, what kind of conflict did he have with Xuan Da Yu? Since they were small, Xuan Da Yu would always listen to him, protect him, and even in a drunken state Xuan Da Yu would never raise a finger!

And even if he had done something, he could not have been so heavy handed... could he? Why were our clothes stripped? I'm even tied to the bed! What are these pink marks all about? Were these made before or after my clothes were off?

Xia Yao didn't dare to think any further, the more he thought about it, the darker the situation became.

If this had been in the past, he would've easily laughed it off as a prank, 'cause what can two men really do? It could simply be a childish game of police chasing a prisoner. However, since he and Yuan Zong became like that, Xia Yao's mind couldn't stop itself from thinking about multiple possibilities. All kinds of impossible outcomes have now turned possible.

Not to mention, Xia Yao has been under loads of pressure these past few days, so with a couple of glasses from last night, he may have mistaken Xuan Da Yu for Yuan Zong, and then "rolled around in bed" with him. Such possibility cannot be ruled out!

In Xia Yao's eyes, Xuan Da Yu was totally normal.

Instead, it's him who...

Little did Xia Yao know, Xuan Da Yu's line of thought has strayed even further than his. His best friend was also having a hard time figuring everything out.

What did I do last night?

Xuan Da Yu's impression on the previous night was that after exiting the club, Xia Yao displayed all kinds of affections, which in turn made him excited, leading to his decision to piggy-back Xia Yao home. On the way home, he only remembered constantly confirming whether the person he was carrying was Xia Yao or not, finally settling that this indeed was the real Xia Yao.

And then what happened next? After the confirmation what did they do?

Not in his wildest dreams could Xuan Da Yu have possibly imagined, that after tirelessly carrying someone, he ended up mistaking them for somebody else.

Everything was a mess, Xuan Da Yu's head was stuck in a rut.

All he could see was the "reality" in front, he'd tied Xia Yao to the bed, there were "hard-proofs" of committed crime everywhere on their bodies. Plus in a little bit of speculation, and he knew the culprit couldn't escape.

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