111. Revenge

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Translator: JoySummer77
Editor: @anhnguyen12332

Translator: JoySummer77 Editor: @anhnguyen12332

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A new chapter for my dear readers ❤️❤️❤️


On the highway, a jeep carrying firearms and weapons secretly travelled smoothly on the road.

There were four people in the jeep. In the driver seat sat an experienced and matured driver named Si Ji (Death Machine), the man sitting in the front passenger seat, who was wearing sunglasses, is the boss of the Panthers. He is known as Leopard. In the back seat, sat two black bodyguards, they resemble two silent Montenegro[1], listening to the two people chatting with an expressionless face.

[1] Montenegro- a place with rugged mountain. Basically describing those two bodyguards as huge mountains.

"Heizi will most likely be crippled, do we still keep him?" the driver asked.

Leopard continued smoking while remaining calm and collected, the hand holding the cigarette was lined with blue veins, there were no emotions shown on his face.

The driver added, "Heizi is also very stupid, daring to go against Xia Weidong's grandson. To say that he is tired of living is not an understatement. But, returning to our main topic, Yuan Lao Qiang was quite unexpected, how can he be that good?"

Leopard put out the cigarette butt, abruptly showing a mocking interest.

"Have you ever met Xia Yao?"

"Are you talking about Xia Weidong's grandson?" Leopard nodded. "How could I not have seen him? Isn't he the person in the photo that was published in the news last time?"

"That photo had already been cleaned and processed." Leopard asked, "Have you seen the real person?"

The driver pondered for a while before replying, "Once when their police force came over here to carry out a mission, I think one of the people in that group was him, I forgot who pointed him out to me, I only looked at them from afar, I did not really look carefully."

"The next time when you look closer, you will know."

The driver glanced at Leopard, smiled, and said, "Is he really that handsome?"

Leopard stroke his trimmed beard stubble while answering carelessly, "Doesn't the police hold a wrestling competition every year? Did you forget that I am an enthusiastic audience and have never miss a match?"

The driver suddenly remembered something, "Right, I remember you mentioning something about that to me, saying that there was a policeman who let a foreigner kiss him... is he the Xia Yao you're talking about?"

Leopard gave the driver a vague smile. The driver slap at the steering wheel.

"This is fucking interesting!"

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