100. Two crazy men

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Translator: NancyChen3
Editor: saehan01
Person who reads it again with a wide eyed expression from start to end: anhnguyen12332 =))))))

Surprise!!! I present you with chapter 100 as the last of your Christmas gift from me and the team to you <3 <3 <3

Honestly, there's no words that can explain how much I appreciate and love you guys. Through thick and thin you have always been there for me from the beginning. Your funny, perverted comments never fails to bring a smile to my face! =)))). Thank you for sharing this Christmas with me, thank you for being by my side this past year and until the 100th chapter! We are already half way there! I hope you will continue to be by my side until we reach the end of this road that we've so bravely advanced (especially after Addicted) ❤️❤️❤️.

Thank you so much!

I hope this video will explain your answers regarding the change in season 2 (watch on Youtube for subs)

I hope this video will explain your answers regarding the change in season 2 (watch on Youtube for subs)

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And now for another 22+ rated chapter! =)))) Prepare ya'll tissues and get cozy!

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And now for another 22+ rated chapter! =)))) Prepare ya'll tissues and get cozy!

Enjoy! 🙂


At a little past nine o'clock, Yuan Ru woke up and pulled out her mobile phone from the side of her pillow. When she saw the time on the display screen, she couldn't help but to blank out. Usually, if she wasn't up by seven o'clock, Yuan Zong would have come to kick her door. How come it's so quiet today when it's so late already?

With this in mind, Yuan Ru put on her clothes and went to knock on the door of the room next to hers.

"Ge, why aren't you up yet?"

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