119. The price of being confident

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Translator: JoySummer77
Editor: anhnguyen12332

Can Tian Yan Qi really dance? Watch this video below to find out ❤️.

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Seeing that the students were so enthusiastic, Xia Yao could hardly spoil everyone's happiness, so he stood up calmly amid the cheers and cries of hundreds of people.

Because Xia Yao was sitting in the second to the last row on the right side and Yuan Zong was on the right side, in order for him to get to the stage he had to go around Yuan Zong.

Yuan Zong's two long legs occupied the front aisle, and Xia Yao's legs could not find a small crack to step through, neither did Yuan Long have any intention of standing up and giving way, so Xia Yao could only open his mouth on his own initiative.

"Excuse me, can you make way, please?"

Yuan Zong's face remained stiff and his figure was like a mountain. There was no possibility of crossing.

"Would you please move your legs?" Xia Yao asked again.

Yuan Zong's wide-spread legs remained like two iron pillars extending horizontally across. The only choice for Xia Yao was to either step over it or go sit quietly back in his seat.

Xia Yao saw the warning sign in Yuan Zong's eyes. He wondered whether Yuan Zong was afraid that he would screw up the whole performance or that his limelight would overshadow the former "apprentice" who had won the Director's heart.

In short, thinking about the hidden emotions behind this action makes Xia Yao's blood boil with adrenaline, filling him with outrages violent impulses.

Therefore, Xia Yao leaped onto the upper edge of the back of Yuan Zong's chair, brushing directly past the back of his neck and flew down the aisle. Surrounded by the roaring and tsunami like applause, Xia Yao took steady strides towards the stage.

There was no need for a costume change. Just a simple and casual T-shirt, slim jeans, and backward baseball cap. When the light hits Xia Yao's body, dazzling aura oozed out, rivaling that of a star's.

A burst of hip-hop melody sounded, and Xia Yao's muscles and joints were instantly awakened. No warm up needed, no transitions, the sudden fierce dance steps stirred the hearts of everyone.

Curving, moving, encircling, swinging... the movement is as smooth as floating clouds and running water[1]. Waist twisting, legs kicking, and buttocks swinging... the sexy and wild outburst from Xia Yao's agile bones ignited the fanaticism of the audience.

[1] 行雲流水: idiom: running clouds and running water/ very natural and flowing style

Even Yuan Zong, who had been stiff-faced, was now quietly lighting a cigarette and staring at the luminous body on the stage with burning complexity.

Xia Yao's jeans slid low on his waist amidst vigorously hip swinging movements. When he twists it at a high frequency, fine beads of sweat was visibly being exposed through his delicately covered waist. Surrounded by bright lights, the slick and exquisite skin was undoubtedly mouthwatering.

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