Betrayed by my Boyfriend

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Annabeth and her best friend Percy, were waiting for the bus stop, discussing Annabeth's current boyfriend, Luke.

"I think I love him, Percy. Whenever he's around, I get all jittery. When I kiss him, all I want to do is be with him and sleep with him and live with him." She sighed.

"Well, Annabeth, if you feel that way, it probably is love. Although I wouldn't know, as I've never dated anyone." Percy said, the last part murmured under his breath.

"Why not?" Annabeth asked, catching it.

"Well, I don't want my heart broken by some girl that's only dating me because her boyfriend is gone for the year. A lot of the girls in our year are shallow and self-serving. Why, just this week, about 20 people asked me what beach they should go to for the holidays, asking where the hottest boys were and where the cutest girls in the most revealing swimsuits resided. It was annoying, and stupid, so I've decided not to date anyone I wouldn't want to marry."

"Oh," Annabeth said while they were boarding the bus back to New York. "You're welcome to come over to my house later, if you want." Percy said, about twenty minutes later.

"Sorry, Seaweed Brain, but I've got to meet up with Luke for our 10th anniversary date. Could you come over, and help me decide what dress, jewelry, and shoes to wear?" Annabeth asked.

"Of course, Wise Girl. You've been dating him for ten years?" Percy said changing the topic and trying to fit his feelings into a box. Annabeth is dating someone, he told himself, she loves him, and you can't have her. Suck it up, lover boy. "Yes, since middle school."

They got off at Annabeth's stop and walked quickly to her apartment.

"I think you should go with the royal blue dress with the white sash, white heels, diamonds, and your silver owl earrings. " Percy said, upon examining her closet. "And wear your hair in ringlets." He concluded, nodding. "Do you plan to do anything particular tonight?" He asked.

"Maybe some stuff in the bed," Annabeth said. "Well, call me if something goes wrong, alright? I won't blame you, and you might need a friend." She nodded, and the doorbell rang. "That'd be Luke," Percy said. "I'll make myself scarce. Enjoy your evening." He left through the back and when Luke saw Annabeth coming down the stairs, his breathing hitched.

"Wow, Annie. You look amazing."

"Thank you," she responded, casting a longing look that she had practiced in the mirror in his direction, thinking about both him and Percy at the same time. His mouth fell open, and his breathing hitched again. She must've been better at it than she thought. "Um- Dinner! We are going to Candlelit." She nodded and floated down the stairs. He offered her his arm and, when she took it, led her out to the car.

"We'll also be staying at a hotel tonight. I'm going to make this the best night of your life." She smiled, thinking of all the things they could do.

Once they got to the restaurant, Luke ordered a bottle of champagne for them to split. "Champagne?" Annabeth asked.

"Trust me, Annie." He replied, pouring a generous measure for them both. "To us" he said, raising his glass. "To us" she said, clinking her glass against his, and taking a small sip of the bubbly liquid.

Finally, their food arrived, and after that, dessert. Once the check was payed and most of the champagne consumed by Luke, he pulled her roughly to her feet and out into the car. Once they were inside, he grabbed her and kissed her, as if this was his last chance to be with her. She let it continue for a bit, then pulled back, saying:" You said that we are staying at a hotel? Let's go there, and let me see if I can please you."

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