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L-Luke?" I stammered. Luke stood in the door of my cabin. "I'm back," he said, but I was completely bewildered. He stepped inside my cabin, crossed the room in three easy strides, and held me in his arms. "You're shaking," he says. I looked up at him. "Well, yes. Luke, you were dead." He smiled. "Yes, but I'm back now," he stepped even closer to me, and I looked down. "Luke, please. I missed you, but you're a little too close. Please let go of me. I-" he shushed me. I looked at him. "Tell the truth," he commanded. I thought about it and made my decision. I kissed Luke, passionately, him picking up my leg and holding it at his waist, partially wrapping it around him so I had to come closer. Just then, Percy came inside the cabin. "Hey, Anna-" he breaks off seeing Luke, then me. He turns and leaves the cabin without another word. "Wait, Percy!" I chased after him and grabbed his shoulder. "Get off of me," he snarls, not turning around. "Percy, it's not what you think-" He finally whirls around and faces me. "Oh really? I saw you kissing Luke. Was that some trick of the Mist or something? Or am I correct?" I stammered and then nod. He looks down in disgust. Percy reaches into his pocket and pulls out a black velvet box. I gasped and covered my mouth when he opens it, exposing the most beautiful silver and coral ring I had ever seen. Tears start to run down Percy's face. "Even after Tartarus?" He asked quietly.

He threw the box and ring at the doorway of the Athena cabin, hitting Luke in the forehead. Percy then turned and walked away toward the beach and disappeared into the dunes. At the same time, I sprinted back to my cabin, packed all of Percy's things that he had given me and that I had stolen. Luke, trying to get me into the bed, blocks my way out. "Where are you going, Annie? We've got a lot of catching up to do." He smiled seductively. "Move, or you will be moved." I replied, and gave him three seconds. Then, I stabbed him in the thigh with my ivory sword, easing past him and running down to the beach. Percy shoulders are in the water when I reached it. Running up to the surf, I didn't even drop all of my stuff, withdrew a pair of heat sensing goggles from where I had stuffed them in my pocket, and dived into the chilly waves. Percy started swimming away, diving underwater so I woldn't be able to keep up with him. "Well, he hasn't used the currents yet. I may be able to catch up with him." I thought, taking a deep breath and diving after him. Just as my breath was gone, I reached him, grabbing his ankle with the last of my strength, locking my fingers so when I got weaker, I wouldn't let go.

I felt the grip on my ankle, and then felt it slacken. I continued on for about a minute more, before looking back to see how Annabeth was still alive this long without air. She almost wasn't. Her grip slackened even more as she drew closer to death, her bag weighing her down. Across her hands and arms, I could see, were notes to herself on how to turn down guys, and presents to give me if I proposed. At last, her grip was nonexistent, and I remembered she couldn't breathe. I summoned an air bubble, and gave her mouth-to-mouth after I had withdrawn the water from her lungs.

I woke up, coughing, and tears started streaming down my face, I started begging him to please, please take me back. I hadn't meant it. I was crying so much that even Percy couldn't keep dry, and I, not hearing him respond, stopped pleading, curled into a ball and sobbed. Strong arms wrapped around me. A chin was rested on my head. "Hey, Wise Girl." His voice softly whispered. "It's ok. I know you didn't mean it. I just... got mad." He spun me around to face him. He kissed me, and I slowly started unbuttoning the collared shirt he was wearing. He slipped off my camp t shirt, letting the shirts drift to the sand. He gave me the ability to be able to breathe water, temporarily, like he could, and dissolved the bubble, unzipped my jeans, and used my belt loops to pull me closer to him. I did the same, except I slipped them off of him, leaving Percy in his underwear. He then took off my jeans and wrapped my legs around him, kissing with more hunger. I responded, slipping his hands to my underwear, my hands dancing along the hem of his. All of a sudden, we both broke off, and I backed away, taking off my underwear, him taking off his. I came back to him and wrapped my legs around his hips, making him insert his dick into my hole. I gasped before I kissed him, and guided his hands to my bra, which still was clasped tightly. I started thrusting at the same moment he unclipped my bra, letting my décolletage float in the water, him raking his eyes down me. I broke away from his mouth and arched my back, tightening my hold on his hips and leaning back until I was at a ninety degree angle from him and was very exposed. The boy controlled the ocean to bring me closer to him and he grabbed me, pulling me into a tight hug, and carefully and calmly started thrusting, moving at what he knew was a comfortable pace for me. I relaxed, leaning against his chest and hugging him tightly. Against my back, I felt the smooth sand of the ocean floor. We had finally sunk down to where our clothes laid, scattered. A burst of sperm came out of him and I flinched, my head knocking his chin and making him bite his tongue. I pulled his neck down, sliding up him, so now the hand that was at my shoulder was at my chest. I kissed him, leading his hand through my floating breasts, letting him feel them, kissing him passionately as another burst of sperm came. I, letting his hands roam her lower back and chest, pulled him into me, forcing his dick as far into me as it would go, squeezing him as if I would never let go. Finally, he unleashed a long supply of sperm, gripping me as hard as I was doing him. We both kissed each other as much as we could, remembering every good time we had together. It was that moment when my breathing blessing wore off, and I gripped Percy tighter. Percy, not understanding, gripped me tighter, pulling me even closer to him, if that was possible, and pushing all of my air out of my lungs. My grip immediately dropped and I fell limp. Percy realizing what was wrong, called another air bubble. "Percy, I love you." I said, catching my breath. He drew out of me, and said "I love you, too, Annabeth. Hey, remember that ring that I had?" When I nodded, he continued. "Well, a question went with that ring. Annabeth Chase, will you do the honor of marrying me?" Instead of an answer, I thrust myself onto him, kissing him and inserting his dick into me. I wrapped my arms around him, as tight as I could, and breathed "Yes, Percy. I would love to." We were that way for a long time, without speaking, until fish started checking us out. We both nodded at each other and got our clothes on, meeting at the surface to swim back. Percy offered his arm, and I took it, Percy shooting both of us to the beach underneath the black and starry sky. "What time is it?" Percy asked once they had gotten to shore.

"Midnight." Luke appeared, braining me from behind.

Percy, on instinct, drew Riptide and began to fight his old trainer. Percy was analyzing his fighting pattern. All Greek, no legion training whatsoever. Percy used both, eventually winning the fight. "Go back to Hades, Luke. You aren't fit to be with the living," and Luke varnished into a pile of bones. "Annabeth," he mumbled, rushing over to me. "That wasn't very smart of me, was it Percy? Getting brained from behind." Blood was soaking the sand. "This night was fun, Percy Jackson, my Seaweed Brain. It's to bad I'll never get another one." I closed my eyes, giving up. But Percy wasn't done yet. He picked me up and carted me to the Hades cabin, where he knew Will and Nico were reading together. He knocked on the door, and Will answered immediately. "What- oh my gods, Percy. What happened?" Percy tried to explain, but Will wasn't listening. Nico, however, was paying attention very closely. He nodded when Percy came to the part where Luke turned into a skeleton. "I thought I felt a presence," Nico said, turning to me. Will had already started work. He was pouring nectar over my head, muttering hymns to Apollo, praying that this would work. At last, I sat up. Then collapsed, along with Will. The couples each caught their significant other and laid them down easily. Percy kissed my forehead gently, already starting to pace around the room. Will and I woke up, about ten minutes later and kissed our boyfriends. Each couple broke apart at the same time, turning toward the other pair. "Thank you, Will, and you, Nico. She would've died if you hadn't-" Percy broke off, his voice cracking. "Happy to do it, Percy." Will said as all four hugged each other. Percy and I left to Percy's cabin. Once inside, Percy peeled off his shirt, jumping into bed. I did the same, except I also discarded my jeans. I kissed him, unzipping his jeans and feeling his dick rise against the constricting fabric. I slipped off his jeans and forcefully relieved him of his undergarments, him relieving me of mine gently, as if trying not to do anything to cause me pain.

Percy grabbed my hamstrings, wrapping them around him, pulling me closer and closer to his pulsing dick, he going closer to me. I pulled him into me, letting his hands travel where they would, wrapping my legs tightly around him, feeling sperm pulse out of him. I groaned at a particularly big entrance of sperm, that I knew that proceeded the biggest. I kissed him, sticking my tongue down his throat, making him choke a couple of times before he released a huge, long supply of sperm. Then, once he was dried up for the night, we laid like that, kissing and thrusting every so often, falling asleep in each other's embrace.

3 months later, I came back to Percy's cabin with a clipboard in hand. "Percy," I whispered. "I'm pregnant. With your baby." He looked at me, his eyes full of wonder. "Jr. Percy or Annabeth?" He asked, quietly. "Both, I whispered back. He laughed, sounding a little hysterical. Then he stood and spun me around, laughing with pleasure. "We're going to have kids."he said, his eyes still wide. I wrapped her legs around his waist so he could carry me easier. "Guess when their birthday is," I said, my eyes bright. He shook his head, and I continued. "June 4, the day we met, 13 years ago. When are we getting married, again?" I asked, knowing perfectly well the date of my marriage, just wanting him to say it. "Today, Wise Girl," he said, setting me down at his bed. "Today."

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