Torture(prologue to betrayal)

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Please don't take him, Hades," I whispered. "Please."

Percy had been stabbed by an Imperial Gold blade, and I was trying to not think that Jason did it. I wasn't doing so well.

"Annabeth, you have to get up and eat. He isn't going to die." Piper's charm speak washed over me, and I could tell that she was giving it her all. "I'm fine, Piper." My eyes didn't move from Percy's waxy face, searching for signs of life.

Jason had come back bearing Percy's unconscious body, along with a bloody sword. The entry wound was in the small of his back.

The past few days, I hadn't been myself. Or maybe I had, just a more desperate version. I wouldn't go to sleep, and.





I had been crying nonstop for 3 days. The seas were in turmoil. The campers all were not as bad as when I lost Percy, but almost. The only camper that was as affected as me was Grover. We were both by his bedside, day and night.

All of a sudden, his eyelids fluttered open. "Annabeth," he moaned. "Quest. Sun. Funerals. You have to help-" he wheezed back into his coma, but I was on high alert.

Apollo, god of the Sun. Hades, god of the dead, but help what? Never had I felt so determined. I ran to the Hades cabin and banged on the door. "Nico di Angelo, open this door right now." A finger tapped me on the shoulder, and I spun around. Both Nico and Will were standing there with a look of surprise on their faces.

For some reason, I felt extremely weak, like I was going to fall over. My knees buckled, and Will reached forward and grabbed me. "Percy," I muttered, black spots dancing across my vision. "Take me to him, please, Will."

As we got closer to his cabin, I got stronger, and walked out of Will's arms to Grovers wide eyed stare. "Annabeth, he woke up and said something. He said, "the Egyptians. Saidie. Carter." That's it. Do you know what he meant?" I nodded and beckoned to Will and Nico. "Come along, boys. Let me explain something to you." We sat down at Percy's bedside, and Will started thinking aloud. "You almost passed out near Nico's cabin, but are fine here. I wonder if being with Percy is affecting you health, in a good way. Soulmates often do that..." he dropped off, deep in thought. Nico snapped his fingers under Will's nose, startling the older boy.

"Earlier, when I went to get you, he said "Annabeth: quest. Sun. Funeral. You have to help-" and then he passed out again. I thought that he had meant Apollo and Hades. But then Grover tells me that he said "The Egyptians . Saidie. Carter." There are Egyptian gods in Brooklyn. When he said that, he probably meant Anubis and Ra. Will you help me find them? I know a person who is dating Walt Stone, who is hosting Anubis, god of funerals : Saidie. Her brother, Carter, is dating Zia, who is hosting Ra, god of the sun. Their father is hosting the god of the dead." They looked at me for a few seconds, then looked at each other for the same amount of time. They turned and faced me again, saying "We're in. But how are we gonna get to Brooklyn?" I smiled. "Hypogryff." I walked outside, exiting the camp, and went to the nearest fried chicken stand. I shouted once. "Freak!" And sat down to wait. Less than 30 seconds later, the giant animal with a boat tied to him came into view, carrying two vaguely familiar people.

Once Freak landed, Carter and Sadie clambered out of the rowboat. "Annabeth. Long time, no see." Sadie said, walking closer. "Who are these people?" She asked, turning. "This is Nico," he waved, "and Will. They are from my camp, and we need to talk to you about a problem. "

"Where's Percy?" Carter asked. Nico walked over to me and hugged me. I still wasn't used to it. "That's why we're here." I said, my voice cracked. Sadie ran up to me and pushed Nico out of the way, hugging me. I cursed myself for being this weak, but I couldn't help it. "Explain," Carter said, pulling out a pad of paper. I told him everything.

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