~ Protect Me ~

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A/N Hello again everyone I made this one long to make up the time I've been gone sorry for any mistakes. More info will be at the bottom so with out further a due Ultimate Power Couple!!!!

"Damian don't let go!" She pleaded as she held on tight to his arms for dear life.

He grunted " I won't let go, just hold on Maps." Damian was struggling to keep his grip on the petite mystery girl. Fear seeping into his body that he might not be able to save her.

How could this have happened because of a map...

3 hours earlier

"Damian guess what I've found!?" She asked him as she jumped onto his bed plopping down a heavy book into his lap getting his attention. He raised a brow from disbelief. Then sighed.

"What is it now?" Knowing that whatever it was it's not going to end well.

"Oh, don't make that expression this will be fun" she said with excitement as she flipped open the old dusty book to the page she was just reading on 5 minutes ago.

"I went to your library to look for something interesting to read and this is what I found" she pointed to the page with a map and a list of instructions. Leading to something within the manor.

"It must be a treasure map? I think we should follow it." She said as her eyes light up at the thought of what might be waiting for them at the end of this map. It might be hidden treasure or a secret scroll with all the secrets to life. Or maybe...

"Maps there is no treasure or secret anything, I know this manor inside and out trust me. " Maps rolled her eyes and smiled at him another typical 'I know everything' Damian moment. She took hold of his arm and yanked him off his bed.

"Lets at least check it out if there is nothing there, then I'll admit your right okay?" Damian huffed and nodded she smiled again and quickly pulled out the map from her pocket. Scanning over it, reading the direction out loud.

"Take 50 steps west, then take another 50 steps south, and then 20 steps east there you will find a hidden door, watch your step... " The two teens looked at each other with a puzzled look Maps shrugged then took her steps as the map instructed. With Damian following close behind. Completing the maps instructions they had found themselves in the backyard of Wayne Manor.

"Alright now all we need to do is find that hidden door Damian you look over there by that tree I'll look over here. " Maps started to feel around for anything that might resemble a wooden door. Damian did so as well searching high and low with no such luck with either of them finding a single trace of a door.

"Maps lets just stop, were not going to find anything here." He said walking towards his girlfriend Maps was reading over the map again to see what see had missed.

"We did everything it asked us to do I don't understand what I did wrong." She sighed Damian placed a hand on her shoulder. She looked up at him and he just shook his head standing up to leave.

" Come on lets go back I'll ask Pennyworth to make us some cookies." Maps just couldn't give up yet she read the last line again 'watch your step' then it hit her the hidden door must be on ground or at least under it.

Maps started to feel around on the ground patting her hand on places she might think wood would be. Damian turned around and saw that she wasn't following him. She wasn't going to give up was she he thought.

Damian walked over mimicking the same actions she was doing. Seeing Damian on the ground surprised her but she wasn't going to let that distract her, she was so close she could just feel it. 20 minutes past until Maps had past her hand underneath a bush feeling something hard and flat. Not just dirt or grass it really felt like wood she jumped up pushing the bushes to the side to see a two door handles attached to a floor.

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