~ The Magician (Part 2) ~

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A/N Whoop second part up! Sorry I've been so inactive. I'm not dead, I just seriously need ideas for this prompt. But here it is so get your popcorn and soda get comfy because this is going to be a long one. More info will be at the bottom with out further a due Ultimate Power Team!!!

" I judge from your facial exasperation that you've heard of me before. Have you not?" he said staring down into her brow eyes. All she could do was gap at his gorgeousness he was everything a prince should look like. He slipped his coat off a little giving her a view of his toned body through his clothes he must work out a lot she thought until her little eyes had met the most gorgeous shade of blue she'll ever meet. If he didn't pose as such a threat she would have divided into those big blues and never come back up for air.

Her gaze must have made him feel uncomfortable. For he coughed bringing her back to reality. He pointed at the corner of her mouth and said. " You have something there..." she quickly wiped her mouth realizing she was droling, how embarrassing she turned her head away from the beautiful stranger blushing  a little. He must have found her embarrassment amusing because she could have swore she heard him chuckle.   

She peeked to see the stranger still as uninterested as before with an emotionless face. She guess it must have just been her imagination. Maps shook her head to rid those thoughts for right now he was the enemy. 

" I haven't heard that name for so long. The lost prince who has betrayed his kingdom. " The banished prince glared at the little magician she gulped. He stepped closer towards her she could sense his anger illuming from such power he had, maybe she spoke to much. There wasn't any where for her to run she had backed up into the wall. Was he going to kill her? Maps heart was beating fast there's nothing she could do to protect herself as he got closer she squeezed her eyes shut awaiting her doom. To find nothing had happened.

She looked up to see the man two inches away from her face. He was so close their breathes mingled together. If she even moved an inch their lips would touch, this was bad, what is he going to do?

" Alright little witch you have piqued my interest..." Maps blinked a couple of times confused. He baked away and pointed towards her cards " I would like a reading please." For then Maps was by far confused she thought she was literally going to die, but he just wanted a reading. She slowly slipped away to the table with the cards unsure of his motives. 

" Well then after you..." she said sitting down in her seat the lost prince placed his mask down on the table and folded his arms awaiting her reading. She started shuffling the cards with such speed placed three on the table and a chant under her breath as she choose a card. She flipped over the card to see a Knife Stabbed through a Heart.

" ... A Forbidden Love" 

" Forbidden Love?...what kind of sorcery is this." He asked he was about to retaliate more until Maps went cold as ice she had found something else strange about the card.

" There's more..." she said barely above a whisper. He raised a brow " What else could there be witch don't tell me its about love. " He said angrily she heard the card whisper his fate once more then place the card down.




He barks with uncontrollable laughter. Sharp as Ice. Surprising Maps by all means " you've got to be joking this has to be the most ridiculous reading l have ever had in this pathetic life that I am cursed to live." He slams his hand on the table rising to his feet.

" Death cast her gaze apron this wretched world then spits on it. She has no interest in me." He grabbed his mask and paced it back on his face with a swift of his cape he headed towards the door. Overcome with confusion Maps followed the traitor prince.

DamiMaps ~ One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now