~ Field Trip ~

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A/N Hello this took me longer then needed, but I don't want to keep you I hope you enjoy. With out further a due Ultimate Power Team!!

Damian stared outside the window biting back a growl as his classmates sing to Pretty Girl beside him. He was on the verge of just jumping out the window.

"I can swear, I can joke, I say what's on my mind.." started Maps dramatically swaying her hips.

"If I drink, if I smoke, I keep up with the guys. And you see me holding up my middle finger to the world..." Next was, Olive singing, actually holding up her middle finger.

"Fuck your ribbons and your pearls 'Cause I'm not just a pretty girl'..." Then there was Colton in their little trio and was terribly off key too, everyone dancing and laughing like a bunch of 3rd grade children at an amusement park. 

At the next stop he was definitely getting off this ridiculous bus. 

Heading home and demanding that he be transferred out of this prison they call a school. He dodged Maps elbow to the face scooting as far away from her as possible. He sighed he'll have to endure this for another 2 hours. 

The sound of Maps laughter filled his ears as she was talking to Olive about something, she was smiling so brightly. Well of course she was as she put it, "Field trips are basically an open invitation to explore for mysteries during school hours, how much better can it get?"

Damian didn't have the same attitude, obviously. They all just came from the Museum of Art, to do some sight seeing downtown Gotham, just to end things at the camp site. Yes, a camping trip.

"What's with the pout there Mr. Grumpy Pants?" Maps poked his cheek teasing him a little, he swatted her hand aimlessly. "Don't call me that." 

Maps shrugged and sat back down next to the said boy. "I would be a little concern with the way your acting but I tend to forget your not a normal boy." She giggled and patted his hair. He glared out the window. He made no such move to stop her due to finally seeing the camp site. 

"Finally we're here." Shouted Maps almost jumping out of her seat. She pressed her face to the window squishing Damian in-between the two. "Maps I swear on everything I own if you don't stop acting like a child I'll skin you alive." 

She scoffed at him, "You would have done it a long time ago if that was true." He growled shoving her off of him.

"Alright kids I want you to grab your partners sitting next to you and your belongings and stand in an orderly line." Damian toned the woman out grabbing his duffel bag from under their seat before checking his phone, no signal, figures. Shoving his phone back in his bag he followed everyone off the bus to the open wilderness. 

"Wow it feels great out here." Said Olive standing next to Kyle. "Yeah, plants and animals so great." He cringing at the sight of a misquote flying by. "Hey at lest we're not doing school work I'd take this any day." Colton took in a gulp of air before releasing it. 

"I'm shocked you were even eligible to join since you were suspended last week." Said Olive skeptical, "Hey! I've got my ways." He said.

"Hey guys look! there 's the cabins." Pointed Maps, as she began jogging towards the teacher to ask a few questions about the sleeping arrangements and the freedom to explore the woods. Colton shuffled over to Damian secretly.

"Hey! Wayne boy, now's your chance to make your move." Damian gave him a harsh look .

"What are you going on about, Rivera?" Colton sighed fixating his sunglasses.

"I mean making your move on Maps idiot, what else?" Damian's face burned with embarrassment. He started making his attempt to escape this conversation. Until Colton draped his arm around his shoulder preventing him from escaping.

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