~ Wonderlands ~

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A/N Another one guys I haven't been active lately this is a super long one more information at the bottom so with out further a due enjoy.

These are the things I no longer wish to understand. Nothing makes sense anymore, Its up to me whether I chose to accept it or chose to discard it as just a part of my imagination. Believing in what is and suppose to be... Naw! screw that mysteries is life.

A year ago my uncle had recently died leaving me his estate, which non of us knew he had. 

All this time my eccentric uncle was making a good amount of money that he left behind for his nephew and niece. Kyle stating that he doesn't really trust the idea of owning something that never really existed. But not me, Maps Mizoguchi I decided to take my uncle up on his offer its the least I could do.

My family is a little stuck up my uncle didn't have any kids, he had never settled down, and all he did was travel he wasn't around all the time but he still sent letters and gifts. To let everyone know he was still alive, my parents thought he was 'foolish' to do so and disowned him forbidding me and Kyle from seeing him. 

Our uncle was adventurous and believed in mysteries just like I do he loved them so much. I guess that's what made me take up on his offer on the estate seeing as no one else is; and he worked so hard for it too. I couldn't just let it die.

But that wasn't the half of it apparently it included a rather large house. Filled with so many rooms. Maps had taken the weekend to visit the place. Since it now belonged to her. The house was a beautiful mansion surrounded by an evergreen forest going beyond what the eye could see. It felt like it was her own privet island. There was only one road that lead to the house.

The trees were as tall as the house he even planted a garden out front. As Maps walked up the stairs to the house it made an old creek sound where she stepped. "This house must be really old." She said climbing the rest of the way up.

Pushing in the key to unlock the door she walked in to get a good feel of the house. She didn't know what to expect walking in, other then a old dusty house with worn down walls that was completely empty.

She was right about the empty part but was completely wrong about everything else it looked clean and brand new even though no body has been using it for years. Closing the door behind her she dropped her bags down to scan the area just like the outside of the house the inside was just as beautiful maybe even more.

"All this just for me?" She thought out loud. "Well I better check out the rest of the place." She said to no one in particular. Walking upstairs she was met with a hallway of doors and not just a couple there were like 20 doors on each side of the hall and this was only the south side of the house.

She started to make her way to the first door looking inside it was a pretty decent size room it had a window and a walk in closet. "This is nice, I wonder if all the rooms look like this." She closed the door grabbing her hand size notebook from the back of her packet. Pulling out her glitter pen flipping the notebook open she wrote a check mark on the piece of paper then sighed. 

"One down many more to go." Maps didn't get much information about the house other than that her uncle had given it to her. The address too the house and some paper work she could care less about, but that wasn't all she got she had also gotten two keys to the house.

The first key was just a regular one to the front door while the other key looked defined and old. With the letters 'WL' on it what ever that stands for.

Finally finishing counting all the rooms of the house she made it to the last one at the end of the hall. Although this door was completely different from the others this one was worn down and it was a completely different brand of door.

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