Chapter 5

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Im so so sorry for the 13566578453635 year update but me being me is always making new fanfics ._. S&D will be my main priority, and im in the middle of writing a new fanfic, and happy Easter! ;) and sorry for the short chapter, I will try to get more chapters up during the week as I am still of school (hurray!) and I needed to update it quick cause if it was 12:00 and over it wouldn't officially be Easter still so I wanted to update it now! Im not making much sense now so I'll let you enjoy this excuse of a chapter.

Kimberley's P.O.V

I sigh as I walked into the house and I can hear that the TV is on, Im petrified right now, I creep into the kitchen to get a pan, I tip-toe into the living room and I cant see who it is because the back of their head is facing me, im fully freaked out now, I grab the pan with my two hands and bang it against the person's head

"What the fcuk?" I recognise the Geordie accent instantly, shit it's Cheryl!

"Shit Cheryl!" I gasp in horror at what I did to my girlfriend, I stare at her to see that she's wincing and looks a bit shook-up, "First of all - how the hell did you get into my house."

"I thought you would be home by now, so I came over here and Sarah let me in, then she left, and yeah, can you get us something to put on me head?" she says quickly, I chuckle and nod when I get up to leave the room, I take a brief look at her to see that she's laid back down on the settee and holding the back of her head, I feel really guilty, but in some ways I don't - what do you expect me to do when there's probably a stranger in your house?!

"Here babes." I said handing her the ice pack and she smiles as she puts in gently on the back of her head

"A lovely way to treat your girlfriend, aye?" she jokes and I gasp

"Hey! I thought you were some stranger!" I say pouting and she kisses my pout

"Babe you looked too cute." I shrug my shoulders as I remembered what I wanted to say, I turn my attention to Cheryl who is attempting to watch the TV, but failing as her head is too heavy.


She looks up to me and smiles, I stroke her forehead with my thumb, "Aye babe?"

"So I was just err, if you would like to go public?" Her eyes lit up, I smile at her


"Yeah, and the other thing is, and I know we're going a bit too fast but would you like to move in with me?" Once again her eyes lit up,

"I'd love too, yes for definite for both of them, I'm really messy and stuff and really lazy and bla bla bla..." She kept on rambling for a bit and I giggled at her cuteness before I cut her off by placing her lips onto mine

She stared into my eyes with her beautiful brown eyes before saying, "You know I love you?"

"Of course I do, I love you too." She doesn't reply but smiles and stares into my eyes again,

"Your fcuking beautiful." she murmurs and I giggle at her language

"Way to ruin a romantic moment Chez!" she shrugs her shoulders as we sit in a comfortable silence for a few minutes accept for the TV in the background until Cheryl spoke up,

"You know, I've never felt like this before."

Im confused, "Like what?"

"Loved, I've never felt this loved before, our relationship, it feels special to me, I dunno." She says shrugging

"Oh well, im not letting you go that easy."

She smirks before kissing me, "I love you."

"I love you too."

 And I wasnt lying when I said that, I meant it, I feel the way as Cheryl just explained I love her with all of my heart and so does she. What could go wrong?

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