Chapter 8

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Sorry guys for not updating for a while but I've had things going on and I knew I had to update but never got around to it, please don't be angry with me! D: and plus I haven't really had much idea for this chapter. I will let you all read now ;D

Kimberley's P.O.V

 "I don't want this child. I don't want his baby...I don't want this child..." I whispered through tears as I slid down the wall, hiding my head in my shaking hands. Of course Cheryl had no clue, how could I tell her? I haven't even told Justin that he's the father of my baby. He knew that I was pregnant. The whole of my management do as well. I'm so confused and puzzled right now, you're probably like, don't things happen like that whilst pregnancy? It's probably just a phase but I know by fact that it isn't. I've been getting strange mood swings lately, I actually thought I was going mental but of course you get mood swings during pregnancy. My mood swings have gone so far that I've lashed out on Cheryl. I still feel guilty about that but Cheryl says its okay. As if the scratch on her cheek says she's okay.

Cheryl's P.O.V

I pulled my knees up to my chest as I sobbed uncontrollably, trying to block the deafening shouting and balling from my parents which could've woken the whole of the street up. I tried my best to listen to the conversation but was putt off my eavesdropping when I heard a tiny and shaky knock on my door, and I knew who it was. I pulled my 10-year-old brother into my arms straight away and shut my bedroom door, I grabbed my half empty box of tissues and wiped his face for him. This wasn't nothing new. My dad would always come home drunk on weekends a lot and now more often during the week. "Oh Garry." I said, trying to sound brave but I was far from it. My voice and nearly my whole body was shaking, and so was Garry's.

"Why are they always yelling, Cheryl?" My brother's voice was shaking as his grip on me tightened. I stroked his forehead which usually comforted him.

"I don't know Garry, I don't know." His eyes started to shut but he forced them open, "Garry you're tired. You can sleep in my bed for tonight."  He looked confused but at least he wasn't crying now. And you don't want to see a crying Garry.

"But where will you sleep?" His eyes wandered around the room then back to me.

"My main priority now is to keep you safe." He nodded before climbing into my bed and making himself comfy.

"Night night Chezza." He whispered sleepily, I kissed his forehead.

"Goodnight Garry." And he was asleep. I was more of a mam than my mam was at the moment. I was 14 and shouldn't have to be looking after my little brother like this. I placed my ear gently against my door and I could hear my parent's conversation again.

"Joan you're gonna go down with me if I go!" My dad shouted. Then suddenly their was no more noise. Even if they were just normally chatting like nothing had happened. You could still hear them. I opened my door slowly to make sure it didn't make a noise. I tiptoed down the hall and stopped at the stairs making sure the wooden floorboards didn't creak. I look to my parents and my heart stops. My parents were lying already dead on the carpet. I was shaking more by now. They were dead. I stared at the knife for what seemed like eternity. And it seemed like the knife was staring back at me.

"Andrew!" I screamed for my older brother, fear clear in my voice, my brother ran down the stairs as fast as his legs could carry him. He stared at where I was staring at just a few seconds ago.

"Chez...are-are they..?" I nod my head slowly as fears fell down my cheek, my brother ran towards me and scooped me up in his arms.

"It's okay baby sister. I've got you now." He kissed my forehead and whispered soothing words into my ear which calmed me down a bit.

 "Cheryl?" I was cut out of my daydream, which was more of a nightmare by Kimberley. I didn't look up to look at her which I'd usually do, "Cheryl look at me." Kimberley demanded, I looked up to her eyes and it was clear that she was crying.

"Were you crying?"

"No." She lied, and I can read her like a book by now.

"Stop lying Kimberley!" I snapped at her who looked hurt by my tone of voice, I bowed my head as I was ashamed, I felt tears forming in my eyes. I tried to blink them away but failed. Kimberley kneeled beside me, "I-I j-just w-worry about...about you.."

"Have you been crying?" She questioned me and I didn't have to answer her for her to know.

"I-I.." God I'm such an emotional wreck, I cant even speak.

"Cheryl you don't have to speak about it. And your letter came a few minutes ago and that's why I came up here." She said simply waving the letter in her hands.

"Open it open it!" I squealed. I was excited about my results. The doctor said there's a chance of me being out for 4-6 months but the letter will have the real time on how long I'm going to be out for. Kimberley decided it was fun to tease me by opening it neatly and slowly, I was loosing my temper. I snatched the letter off her, "I don't have all day!" Kimberley gasped as I opened it at top speed. I was always careless. When I'd finally opened the letter my eyes scanned the letter quickly. Thank you primary school! The number 4 caught my eye and I read that part properly. I screamed and Kimberley looked a mixture of hopeful and confused. I tried my best to jump on her but failed because of my leg.

"How long?" Kimberley gasped

"4 months! I'll be able to play for the World Cup!" I was beaming. The happiest I've felt in a while. Kimberley was just as happy but I knew there was sadness hiding behind her green eyes, "Kimberley is there something wrong?"

She started to cry and hugged me tight as if I'd ever let go of her, "I-I d-don't want this baby.."

I was mentally and physically shocked, "A-are you sure?"

"It's not the right time now though Cheryl is it?" Tears were running down her beautiful face.

"I guess but that's obviously not the reason Kimberley!"

"How will everyone react? Justin? The girls..." She trailed of and started to cry hysterically. I had no idea what to do.

"Kim..Kim calm down...yeah..?" She looked at me with anger in her eyes.

"How the hell can I calm down when we're talking about the fact that I don't want this baby?" She would always call the baby, 'our baby', and her not using that actually hurt me, "I'm getting this abortion, if you like it or not." And she stormed out of the house. I was shell-shocked. She doesn't believe in abortions and so do I. She'd always tell me how she'd never get an abortion.

I know she's not going to get the abortion. She wouldn't do such a thing. Maybe she's gone to Sarah's or Nadine's? I hope so...

...But boy how wrong was I.

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