Chapter 13

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Kimberley's P.O.V

I grin at the girls, but then I frown as something what feels like a contraction hits me. I groan in pain and the girls heads turn to my direction.

"Kim?" Sarah looks scared for the first time I've ever seen her.

I suddenly feel water coming out of me. "T-The baby's coming!" I scream, sitting back down.

Nadine rushes to my side. "Can you walk?"

"No." I say in even more pain.

"Saz call an ambulance!"

"Yes yes jesus! Can't you see me holding the phone?" She says in a confused and frustrated voice. Dialling the number as she goes.

"I'm not going without Cheryl!" I scream. She was supposed to be home an hour ago.

"She's on her way..I think." Sarah says quietly, putting the phone down. "She hasn't replied to my text yet..."

The noises of the ambulance can be heard outside, suddenly a pair of paramedics come in the house and take me to the ambulance, Nadine following behind me and Sarah in the ambulance.

* * *

"It's time." The nurse comes into the room wearing a smile, followed by a doctor. The doctor tells me what to do and when to do it. But there's one thing on my mind.


"Im not giving birth until my girlfriend Cheryl gets here!"

"Cheryl Tweedy?" The doctor asks, frown in place as I nod. "She was rushed into hospital a few hours ago...did no one tell you?"

I suddenly forget about the labour, and the crazy stuff that is going on around me. Why is she in the hospital?

"I-Is she okay?"

"I'm afraid not. Car crash. She isn't in a good shape." He says sadly, and I realise that it was the doctor that was with Cheryl when she had broken her leg.

"No! I need her here! Why?" I cry, Nadine takes hold of my hand.

"Don't get yourself worked up - it will effect the baby." She soothes.

Not get myself worked up?! I'm in labour whilst my girlfriend is suffering after a car crash.

* * *

"One last push! You're nearly there!" The doctor encourages as I give one last push, cries fill the room. I start to cry along.

"Congratulations, it's a girl." The nurse informs me with a smile on her face. "What would you like to call her?"

I wanted Cheryl to be with me - to help me choose a name, together.

"Mae." I say, smile in place as she hands me my baby girl, I look up to see Nadine smiling at me. Suddenly there was a knock at the door, it couldn't be Sarah - she was persuaded to go home for a bit. The door opens to reveal a teary eyed Cheryl, I take in her appearance. She has a few cuts on her face and a little cut on her hand that I can just make out.

"Baby, I'm so sorry I-" Nadine quickly excuses herself after Cheryl finishes speaking.

"Would you like to hold her? And it's not your fault for getting in a crash." Cheryl slowly approaches me. Smiling as I hand her our baby.

"She's so beautiful..." She whispers, not taking her eyes off Mae. "What did you call her?" She smiles at me."

"Mae." I smile.

"A beautiful name for a beautiful little girl." She smiles kissing her on the forehead.

"Mae Walsh. I like it." She says smiling, taking a seat next to me on my bed, putting an arm around my shoulders with Mae resting on her right arm.

"No. Mae Anne Tweedy-Walsh." I correct her. She sniffs and I look up to see that she was quietly crying.


"Yes. I want us to be a family, we already are."

"I love you." She smiles kissing my lips. "But I sorta love Mae more.."

"I guess I love you too."


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