Chapter 11

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I AM BACK! :D I am currently writing this in the middle of the night so I apologise for any 'errors' o.o...

Cheryl's P.O.V

"I don't wanna go!" I whine as I stand in the middle of the corridor, trying to make Kimberley to let me stay. I've tried using my pout, puppy dog eyes. Everything. Why do I have to go?

"You have to, your representing the whole of England." I sigh, nodding my head as I give in. I'm obviously not going to win this battle. "You know I'll be watching you. Me and the baby."

"But what if something happens?" I question her, she shrugs and starts speaking,

"Me and the baby will be fine, perfectly fine."

"The baby might come early!" I say, continuing my little protest.

"I'm 7 months, I doubt it."

"But it's your baby, your always early!"

She chuckles, "You have no choice, I'm sorry babe, you have to go."

"Fine." I say with a pout forming on my lips.

"Good." She says leaning in to kiss me. Sparks fly. I grin into the kiss and I'm sure I felt Kimba smile too.

I check my watch, 8:50. I sigh. I know I have to go now. I lean in for another kiss, which she happily accepts. I place my free hand on her bump and I drop my rucksack so I can place my other hand on her bump. I feel amazing. Our closeness comes to an end when Kimberley pulls away, I frown. I frowned cause I know I'm going now.

"I'm gonna miss you, so so so so so so..." I pause to take a breath, "so so much!" I start to grin like a fool and she coos at me. I look at my suitcase and my rucksack laying lazily by my feet as if they'd just finished an marathon. I pick up my bag and pull up the lever on the suitcase and pull it to the door with Kim trailing behind me.

"I love you, I hope your gonna make me proud."

I gasp. "Don't I always make you proud?"

"That was a lie..."

"And I love you too." I say with sarcasm, she walks up to me, still in her pyjamas.

"I'll miss you so much." She starts to look at the ground, hiding her tears in her eyes. I lift her chin up with my hand. I stroke her cheek gently then I step away. I open the door and pick up my bag and my suitcase.

"I'll miss you, angel. And I'll miss my other angel." I step out of the door and walk away. I turn back to see a brief look of Kim, she was trying not to cry.

'Bye.' I mouthed to her and she blew me a kiss, I caught it and turned back away, knowing if I looked at her for any longer I'd be on the verge of tears as well.

Kimberley's P.O.V

I sigh as I shut the door. I don't want her to go but she has to. She has to do it for the whole of England. I know I need something to do to take my mind of the subject. I sit down on one of the modern chairs in the dining room.

And there she goes. Gone for about a month or two. I sigh, now I realise why she's so gutted to go. How will I cope? The baby is due in less than probably a month. I guess I just have to go with the flow.

I make my way upstairs and see Cheryl's black-and-white lucky baseball cap lying on the bed, I frown as I realise she must have left it behind. I see that there is a note so I decide to read it.

'Hi my gorgeous girl!

I wish I didn't have to go but, duty calls!

I left my lucky cap so it can give you good luck for you and the baby during the pregnancy,

I have made sure that Nadine will be looking after you, just to be on the safe side!

The baby better not decide to come when I (might) score the winning goal! ;)

Billions and gazillions - if that's a number - of hugs and kisses,

Your Chezza xxxx '

I smile as I realise that she left her lucky cap for me. I grin as I realise that the hat is too small for me. I lift the hat off my head and sigh. I am bored out of my mind. What the hell can I do?

Cheryl's P.O.V

"Right, here's a drill ladies. You have to run around the perimeter of the grass and when I say left you touch the ground with your left hand and you do the same when I say right. Got that?" Our coach yells from some distance, we all nod. The usual drill we'd normally do. All the strikers run together, all the midfielders and all the defenders and the goalkeepers which run together.

Strikers were up first. I position myself next to the substitute striker and the other striker which normally plays along me. "Go!"

We began to run as fast as we could, the mix of different coloured studs sticking into the grass as we went.

"Left!" We all reach to the ground with our left hand, some people using the tips of their fingers.

"Right!" We all put our right hands down.

"Right!" I lean down to put straight away after I had put down my right hand before, I feel someone running into me. I land on the ground with the person oddly lying on top of me. I push her off immediately and of course I know who it is. Rachel. Of course she did it on purpose. She stands up at about the same time as me, I dust myself off and unaware of the coach approaching us, she pushes me back down. I stand back up again to be pushed away again, but by the coach this time.

"Break it up! Break it up!" His strong Liverpudlian accent, which reminds me way too much of Nicola, rings through our ears as two other players come over to take Rachel away to calm down.

"You alright, kiddo?" The coach's name was Mark, he was like a dad to me. He helped me through some of my darkest hours whilst other managers would probably just shrug it off.

"Yeah.....I wonder what's got into her?" I sigh, feeling terrible that I have sorta just lied to my good friend and manager. I knew very well the reason why Rachel hates me. One word. Ashley.

Long story short, Ashley and I were best friends whilst our teens and growing up. He was the only person who I'd spoke to about Sophie. When Sophie and I broke up, Ashley and I both started to get feelings for each other. Then Ashley and I started to date. This is were Rachel comes in, Rachel was Ashley's girlfriend. I'm going to be honest, she was a right bitch. She started to hate me and I am so lucky to be on the international team with her. Yippie!

I look around the little training ground which we are going to be using for the next month. Rio baby! I chuckle a bit under my breath and I snap out of my daze when Mark jogs up to me.

"Right, chez, you can go straight back to the hotel to get some rest."

I don't argue with him as I know he always speaks the truth.

I head back to the hotel and head straight away to my bed to have a little nap, I'm gonna need it.

IM SO SORRY IF THIS CHAPTER ISNT AS GOOD! Why am I using caps? I can't focus properly as there is a crying/whinging 1-month-year-old baby crying in my house o.o...I will try to update but I have an amazing idea of a story which I am writing atm. Oh yes, same old me. I really do appreciate you commenting on the chapter/story telling me how it is, that way I know what I need to do to make it better if I do.

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