Part 3:Insecurity

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My book just got ranked as #27 in non fiction worldwide!!!!!Like that's insane...Thank you for taking some of your amazing precious time to read these random words:)

Plus I upload every 3 to 4 days so stay tuned.Also everone reading through links please download watpadd..So I remain the lazy person I am :D.

Isabelle's POV

"I don't know, Will..we both know there's sonething going on..why would she mention anything to me if she didn't say anything to you?"

"Girl to girl communication..?,I dont know but something atleast?"he asked again.

"I have no idea what your talking about..and no, again she hasn't said anything to me for the past few days...or to anyone I think. She's never been like this. I don't know whats gotten into her lately, she doesnt talk to anyone much,she's ...quiet all of a sudden" I said almost as if i couldn't believe myself.

"I know..just thinking of Anne being quiet is amusing..when she can think of the world's most unusual subjects to talk about it's hard not to like her..but since the past few months..."Will stopped speaking and  looking at something behind me.

I turned around and saw the nurse.

"How is she?"i asked immediately.

She looked at me with a stern look be fore she answered,"Let me finish before your little tantrums start.She's alright..just hasn't eaten anything since morning and she just fainted so are we clear now?"

Will and I  looked at eachother with confused faces. Anne was the fitness freak. Never in her entire life has she skipped a breakfast.

"What are you trying to say?"I demanded.

"She's resting you know by any chance if shes going through any emotional...stress right now? Because she's better but when she came in she keep complaining that her head was pounding..and i can't think of any other reason."

Will gave me one of his 'looks' again.I gave him a dirty look and replied politely,"Not that we know of "

"Then go back to class please I will make sure she will get home"she said.

"But I am her ride home today" Will lied. I knew the reason behind that though but i couldn't let him do that.

"And she said she would take care of it"I said staring at Will. As i slid my arm into his arm and swung him around so that we were walking away from the nurse.

When we reached the courtyard.I hit him on his chest.

"Ouch..what was that for?"He said.

"I told you we are not gonna do that..but still you're gonna do that aren't you." I said angrily.

"But cant you see her?She's literally falling sick..I've waited and tolerated this for so long Izzy..  I hate seeing her like this..all fake and plastic"He said clearly annoyed.

"We're giving her space and if she has a problem she'll tell us,okay?"I said.

"Maybe a little too much space"

"Well maybe u should try to be a little more patient Will!"i half screamed.He was incredibly good looking.With his blue eyes and his full was hard to look at him he was mad. We've always been like brothers and sisters and I dont feel for him the way  used to anymore.

"Okay over the weekend I check on that fine?"I said calmly.My temper was just getting a little over the top now.

"Whatever..if i dont see her back to her normal self I'm going to go to her and confront her" and with that he walked away.

"Will!!? Can you hear yourself?"By then was already out of earshot.

Ughh..when did things become so co plicated. Anne was always open .Now she's hiding something from me and It's breaking her.

I knew it was no point but since today i wouldn't be able to meet her after school I texted her."Hey..are you free this weekend? Let's hang out."

I was worried about her.I didnt want to ask her directly.First I'll ease her into the subject then ask her.

'What's happening to you Anne?'

Sorry this chapter was so short but i had to put this scene in.So do you like Isabelle?or Will?or both.

Prepare for the next chapter..the meetup. It will go up in a few days.

Please vote comment and still trying to figure out the story so i wanna hear your ideas:).

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