Part 4:Love and Lies

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Here you have it part 4..Keep reading:)

Anne's POV

As I opened my eyes a blinding light shone .I rubbed my eyes and looked around me.I couldn't remember a thing..I felt like I had a hangover or something.

I slowly started to recognise the surroundings .Slowly the events that had just occured began to replay in my head.'Dammit'.

What was I  thinking???Am I really that stupid!God knows what Isabelle and Will would be thinking about this.I just...ugh.

What have I done?As if they haven't noticed. Now they'll think something is seriously wrong with me.

I held my head in my hands when I heard the nurse walk in."How are you feeling?"she asked sounding concerned.Just then I realised how much my stomach was growling.

"Just a little hungry.."I replied trying to look energetic.Inside I felt like all my strength had been stolen and my head still pounded.

"You confessed to not eating in the morning shouldn't do that..that was the reason why you fainted.

I skipped breakfast!I don't even remember not eating.I was too lost jn my head..again.I felt like crap and I wanted to sleep it off bit then she handed  me a packet of biscuits.

"Eat these you'll feel better..and your driver is waiting outside to pick you up"

I nodded and thanked her as she walked out of the room.I checked the time.It was almost time for us to leave school.Then it hit me again.I mean i was only because of my breakfast right??I hate attention..especially from the people I was familar with.

As i climbed out of bed my knees threatened to buckle.I decided to eat the food I had before something happened again.They werent really delicious but I just had to make do.

I sat there on one of the chairs thinking about Malia.I was meeting her after ages.Then the question rose in my heas again..
'What if..'

Then i saw Will walk in.

Will was just...breathtaking.He looked gorgeous.His brown hair that had streaks of dark brown and hazel.The way his dimples looked when he smiled.But we were always friends not to mention but doesnt that lead to relationships?

"Hey your staring...are u okay?"he asked.

"Sorry I was just spacing out..yeah I'm alright.I just wanna sleep on my bed at home"I replied quickly.That was embarrassing.

'What are you doing?'my inner voice said.'Stop getting confused.This is Will.William.The same old childhood friend you've known for as long as you can remember.'

'Like he's not some petty crush you've had since you're eight'my subconcious yelled.

God I was actually going crazy.

" do you want a ride home? "he asked.

Why is he acting awkward?He must have seen  my thoughts through my face. Why?Just Why?

"No my driver is waiting outside..apparently school called up my parents"

If we went together he would ask questions.I wasnt sure if he was completely convinced with my act.I just wanted to go home and sleep.

"Are you look as pale as milk"he stepped closer.

"Im fine like I said" I stated. If he came any closer i swear i was going to push him away before he pushes he untill I  tell him.
And then the  bell rang.

Will looked at me almost as if he was confused..then he smiled."I know your not an attention seeker but next time try and finda  better excuse to skip  class."he winked,clearly amused.

"Will that was not fake!I seriously fainted because..i didnt eat"I glared at him.How could he even joke about something like this.'Relax..'my inner voice sparked again.Maybe he was trying to lighten the mood.I need to get some sleep I was treating Will like I just fought with him or something.

I smiled.Wilk never falied to make me do that.He also never failed at annoying the hell outta someone.

"Can we leave this place now? Im sick of being here"I winked back.

He stared at me and then sarcastically said,"Seriously?".

I rolled my eyes as we walked out of the school's heath care unit."Yeah right,please enlighten me on How to be funny 101"I said sarcastically.

"You do need sleep don't you"he said as he smirked."Are you sure you're gonna get home without my ever tempting company?"

"Yes now Will please get out of my sight"i said.

He laughed as he walked away.That kid needed help.

This was the real Will and me.Not the awkward feeling inside the clinic.

I checked my phone.Turns out my driver was actually called a couple of times.

I walked out looking for him...when I saw Isabelle walking towards me.'I did not want to deal with her questions after Will. I preteneded as if I hadn't saw her and walked away from her .Fortunately I saw my ride a few metres away and hurried towards it.

'I hope she doesn't catch up with me'I silently thought.I didnt not not want to see her ..It was just that I felt like being alone and I was done lying.I knew all she was trying to do was help me.

I got in the car and asked him to drive.I wanted to get away from school and go home as fast as i could.I had enough attention for one day.

'Isabelle was probably the sweetest person who accepted me for me.Besides Will ofcourse.But..i don't know.I've always opened up to strangers a lot easier than people I'm familiar with.I dont know why I do that.And it's not like total strangers. It's just like therapists,people who I know I'm not gonna meet everday.So they don't notice everytime i change my personality..its not like mood swings its just those days you just dont feeel like talking...'

There goes my clueless thoughts again.Why was it so difficult to be me?The amazing,funny confident me?I was so outgoing and I didn't give a damn about the frikin world and now I'm submerging myself in my subconcious?.

But the thing I was most afraid of..

What if Malia notices?

There you have it..part 4!
What do you think??Does isabelle have feelings for Will.Does wilo care for Anne?Should this  become a love triangle?I overlook gramatical errors so if u find them just ignore them.

Tell me in the comments and vote*please*😂

Thank you shaunastuff for actually convincing me to continue this<3.

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