What Snow Does Best

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"Remember Elsa. Conceal. Don't Feel.'' Papa slipped my new gloves on me and looked into my eyes. I could see fear and sorrow in his eyes. I'm such a disappointment. I could've killed Anna, I could've killed my sister. It's only a matter of time before I hurt Mama and Papa as well. I have to control this!

''Don't let them know.'' I tried my best to sound strong but my voice cracked at the end. I will control it even if I die trying.

  Ten years ago I made that vow to myself. I've come a long way since I was a child. I can control it now, I can turn off my emotions. As long as I keep this up, they'll never know what I am.

''Conceal, don't feel, put on a show! Make one wrong move and everyone will know!'' I pushed open my chamber doors. It was finally coronation day, my  coronation day. Today is the first time in ten years I'll see my subjects, the day the gates will be open for the first time in ten years. ''It's only for today. Agony awaits.'' I took a deep breath and turned to my servants. ''Tell the guard to open up the gates!''

The ceremony was beginning and the people had gathered. My people...Waiting to meet me, their queen, who's been hidden away behind the castle walls for too long. I took a deep breath, and reached for the scepter.

"Your majesty, the gloves.'' Ugh, I forgot about those, The gloves I've hidden myself behind since I was a child...The gloves I've hidden my curse behind...I'm about to be a queen now, I need to know how to control myself without gloves.

Conceal, don't feel, put on a show. I slipped off my gloves and picked up my ball and scepter. I miss the feeling safety my gloves gave me already. The priest began the coronation speech and I looked at the ball and scepter. They were freezing. No, no, no! Conceal, don't feel, Conceal, don't feel.. It was working, well, good enough. I looked up at my people as the priest finished his ridiculously long spiel. They hadn't noticed my slip up. Thank goodness.

I quickly sat the royal objects down and put on my gloves. Relief rushed through me. I finally had my gloves back. I turned to my people and smiled. I was so relieved that they didn't notice me almost freezing the ball and scepter. Now all I have to do is get through the royal ball and then I can go back to my room. The room I spent my whole life locked up in...The room that helped me control my curse..The room that kept me from hurting anyone....

"Queen Elsa of Arendelle.'' I walked out into the ballroom and was surprised to see such a crowd. The people I once knew were now strangers. Yet, they were still here to support me. I don't know how to feel about that...

Conceal. Don't feel. Conceal. Don't feel. I chanted to myself. Regardless of their loyalty, I haven't been around people in forever. ''Princess Anna of Arendelle.'' Anna awkwardly walked up beside me. She left such an awkward gap between us. The servant had to move her closer.

''Hi,'' I smiled.

"Hi? Hi me?'' She began rambling and I laughed.

''You look beautiful.'' Anna wasn't a child anymore. She was sixteen and beautiful. Almost old enough to move away and marry. I had wasted ten years of our childhood hiding away. Our once close connection is lost.

''You look beautifuller. I mean not fuller, you don't look fuller. Just more beautiful.''

I chuckled at her rambling. ''Thank you.''

''Boy it's warm in here.'' Anna fanned herself. ''And what's that delicious smell?'' I sniffed the air like I did when I was a child.

"Chocolate!'' We both said in unison as we laughed.

The Devil Within (more parts to come soon)Where stories live. Discover now