Part 7-Pitch

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When we first entered North's workshop, the Guardians jumped to their fighting stances. Bunny especially glared at Pitch while Tooth frowned at me.

"Ahh, The Guardians lair!'' Pitch was taunting them. He couldn't hurt them. Not right now anyways. I glared at him while keeping my calm composure.

"I need to talk to Sandy, alone.'' I raised my hands as a peace sign and elbowed Pitch. ''Put down your sand weapons.'' I whispered. He slowly obeyed, not eager to be unarmed. I simply looked at Pitch and his smirk disappeared as he raised his hands. My black eyes flickered darker when I looked at him.

"Well, you certainly have guts Queen.'' North smiled, raised his eyebrows and folded his arms. ''You can talk to Sandy if he allows it, but Pitch can not.''

''I am aware North. Jack, Pitch, be dears and go check on Arendelle for me. I will meet you there shortly. And please, no fighting.'' They glared hatefully at each other. Both well aware that if they failed or destroyed each other, they could lose me forever.

"Am I clear?'' They continued their stare off. I huffed and shot ice their way. They jumped in surprise and looked at me. ''YOUR QUEEN IS TALKING TO YOU! I SAID, AM I CLEAR?!''

They both dropped their gazes when my eyes darkened. They bowed slowly. ''Forgive us my queen. We shall complete our mission.'' Pitch smiled, proud of his answer.

'''Yeah, forgive us. We won't hurt each other and we will protect Arendelle while you're away.'' Jack's answer pleased me the most. It was more believable as well.

"It's not nice to ignore a lady.'' I turned away. ''You may arise and depart. And remember, no harm is to come to my people or Anna. Do I make myself crystal clear?''

I still had my back to them. ''Of course my Dark Queen.'' Pitch said as he slowly vanished into the night.

"You've got it Queen Elsa.'' Jack walked in front of me, grabbed his staff and smiled. ''Wind, to Arendelle.'' He slowly rose. ''Good luck, my love.'' Just like that, he was gone.

By now the Guardians had lowered their weapons and calmed down. "I bet you're pleased with yourself Elsa?'' Bunny hopped forward.

"What do you mean?'' He got really close to me. I was leaning back against the wall.

''Don't play dumb!'' He growled at me while the others tried to calm him down and pull him away.

"I'm not, what are you talking about?!'' I pressed myself into the wall.

"You've got them wrapped around your little finger. At any moment they would die if you said the words. You are controlling them. You are the reason Jack is a mess. You're the problem.''

Bunny backed off and sat down. I slumped to the ground utterly dumbfounded. My eyes flashed blue for the first time in a while.

''Don't you see, I know that. I can't control it, that nightmare sand is taking over. That's why I need to talk to Sandy.'' My voice was barely above a whisper.

"Please.'' I pleaded. ''I need to talk to him!'' I put my hands over my eyes and shook my head back and forth. Black ice began to enclose me. When I realized what I was doing I gasped and immediately retracted it. I was chanting. ''Conceal, Don't feel.'' Over and over in a whisper. I'm more trapped now than ever before.

Some one grabbed my hands. I looked at them as they pulled me up, it was Sandy.

He smiled in a sincere, peaceful manner as he pulled me into the middle of the floor. He looked at North then at me. North nodded and turned his back.

"Follow me Elsa.'' North was walking quickly so I struggled to keep up.

''Where are we going North?'' It was me and him in a long hall way by ourselves. It was dead silent too.

"To talk.''

I know that, but where?'' I was already desperate for answers, I didn't need riddles too.


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