Part 2

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''Queen Elsa of Arendelle. Queen Elsa. The daughter of the Man in the Moon. Jack Frost's perfect half. The queen of Winter.'' I finally recognized that fire in her eyes, it was the same fire I saw in Jack's. "Now I understand the connection! You're a Guardian too! I knew you were different. You're my connection to the Man in the Moon.....It all makes sense.........He led me to you.....He hasn't spoken to me in hundreds of years." Those strange connections to her. That familiar face. She was chosen by the Man in the Moon. He finally acknowledged me. Just not in the way I expected.

"Who is the Man in the Moon? What are you talking about? Who's Jack? Who are they?'' She backed away from the Guardians and looked at me expectantly.

"Go on, tell the girl North,'' I growled in anger when Sand Man appeared. These Guardians are a pain. But now I have a secret weapon. I grinned deviously, this was going to be fun.

"Well Elsa, this is the Tooth Fairy, Tooth. That's the Easter Bunny, Bunny. I'm Santa Clause but people call me North. This is the Sand Man, Sandy. And Jack here is Jack Frost. He's the one who led us to you.''

"Umm....where's Jack?'' She looked at North curiously. I let out a mocking laugh and pointed at Jack.

"She can't see you! She doesn't believe in you. This is hysterical! She doesn't believe in her other half." Jack's face fell and his eyes were filled with agony. His grip on his staff tightened as he shook with rage.

" must believe in-.'' North was about to ruin everything. No. Not this time.

''Elsa, I have an offer for you. An offer that can end your fear and protect your sister."

"Don't you dare Pitch!!" Jack growled in a low voice. His voice wavered in pain.

"What is it?'' When I mentioned Anna she perked up. That's good, I have her full focus.

"Join me. What goes together better than cold and dark?!'' I shot black sand at her which she quickly froze to make a beautiful masterpiece. Just like Jack did all that time ago. Man, these two are so similar. Made for each other indeed.

"See! Join me Elsa.'' I held out my hand. "I can help you control it. You won't have to conceal it or hide it. And best of all, Anna will be safe.'' I looked into her eyes and saw longing. Longing to protect her sister, longing to be free.

"Elsa, no! Become a Guardian. You'll protect Anna and every other child in the world! Pitch only wants fear and sorrow! Become one of us and believe in Jack Frost!'' Ugh, North and his meddling. Not today though. I am going to win Elsa over and there's no way they can stop me.

"Jack Frost. That name....I heard it in a story once. The winter spirit. My favorite character. from when I was younger....'' She blinked and stepped forward. "Jack Frost! It can't be....You're real?!" No. No. No, no, no, no, no!!!!!!!

"Yeah, I am. Join me.'' She stepped forward again. She never broke eye contact with him. Ahg, stupid soulmates. I need to do something. Now.

''Join him and you'll never see Anna again. Join me and you'll see her whenever you want. " I could tell she was still hesitant so I sweetened the deal a bit. "You'll see her whenever you want Elsa, without hurting her." That's when she turned to me. She looked me in the eyes like she was searching for something. I guess she found it.

The Devil Within (more parts to come soon)Where stories live. Discover now