Part 4---Legendary Lovers

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"Welcome to my palace of darkness. My home of darkness. My den of shadows. A place fit for a queen.''

With a glide of her hand, Elsa created a black ice throne right beside of mine. Then she created another for Jack right beside of hers. "I'm finally free...." She let out a sigh of relief and giggled. "Let's have some fun, shall we?'' She walked up to her thrown and crossed her arms. ''What shall it be?''

"How about we plot the destruction of those blasted Guardians? Once they're out of the way, we can show this world who they should believe in and fear!''

"I like it Pitch. How about you Jack?'' Her voice was stronger and more authoritative now. Yet it still held mischief and innocence.

''Let's start with Tooth.'' Ah, he wants to destroy his moral compass. I like it. "Take away the Tooth Fairy, you take away the children's belief and you take away the others.'' I guess he learned a few things when we went head to head last time. That old Jack is gone. The bitter of winter is here to play.

''Tomorrow, let's do it. Shall we boys?'' Jack bowed and gazed into her eyes.

''Of course, my queen.''

I bowed as well and gazed into her eyes. ''As you wish my Queen of Nightmares.'' Her gaze softened when she looked at me. Her gaze was affectionate towards me but more so for Jack. I can't help but think she has a soft spot for Jack. I saw a slight smile on her face when she looked at him. It was barely there, but still... Or maybe I'm just imagining that she smiled at him. It could be that she's happy about destroying the guardians that never helped her as a child. It's has to be that. She loves me, I know it.

I can't help but feel bad about using her sister against her though. But once I destroy Anna with nightmares, I'll do anything she asks of me. I'd give her the world at her feet if she asks for it. Man in the Moon gave me this beauty so that I could have a chance to do what I'm good at. Use people's worst fears against them.

---------The next day------

The whole night we plotted the Guardian's destruction. The very next day we gave one last glance at our dark palace before Elsa wrapped herself in my arms. With a flick of my fingers we were gone. But before we left, I couldn't help but see a gleam of something in Jack's eye. Jealousy? Couldn't be, could it?

"Oh, Jack! You're back! Please tell me you're coming back to us.'' Tooth looked at him pleadingly.

''Tooth....'' For a second his face softened and his voice was less harsh. He reached forward but quickly recovered before Elsa noticed. ''We're here to destroy you.'' He pulled back and slammed his staff on the ground.

"Jack.......'' She quickly dodged the black ice spikes but only by a hair.

"Oh, I know you did not just do that!'' Bunny came from his rabbit hole with North and Sandy.

''Bunny, North, Sandy? You can't be here!''

What's going on with him? One minute he's destroying a Guardian and next he's trying to save them. ''Elsa dear, take care of them!'' She smirked at me as she stepped closer.

"As you wish, My Lord.''

"Sandy! We need to save them!'' North pleaded. Sandy frowned and formed a one. Ha! They can only save one of their Guardians. I'm not gonna give them the chance to even save one of their beloved guardians . Sandy won't come an inch closer.

Elsa stepped up closer to Sandy and whispered something to him. Sandy lowered his head but nodded in understanding. What did she say? "Jack, help me with these Guardians.''

"Of course Elsa.'' He stepped towards Bunny with a proud smirk but Elsa stopped him.

''No, take care of Sandy.''

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