Ponybooty the gentelmen

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"Come on (y/n) let's get out of here" ponyboy said into my ear. Me and Ponyboy stood up and walked out of the movie house. There were some boys in there bothering me so we wanted to leave.

"Where you want to go?" He asked me

"I don't know. How about we just go to my house" I suggested

"Sure that sounds like fun" he reached down and ripped a few flowers out of the ground. Whenever we go to my house he always brings flowers for my mom. He tied them together with an another flower then began to pick up more.

"Why are you getting more flowers?" I asked

"For the real princess" he said then handed me the flowers. I smiled ear to ear when he handed me them.

"Hey Mrs Jacobs" ponyboy said walking into my house.

"Why hello sir" he said to my dad shaking his hand.

"Here" he handed my mom the flowers.

"Thank you ponyboy. What are you two doing here?" She asked

"We got bored and where going to go hang out in my room"

"Is that so?" My dad asked never taking his eyes off the paper

"If that's okay with you sir" ponyboy said. I could here my dad chuckle to himself.

"Yes that's alright"

Me and ponyboy went into my room. He jumped onto my bed and partially laid down. He was resting on his forearm. I put on a sweat shirt and jumped onto the bed with him. We didn't really say anything, because we had nothing to say. We just liked being with each other. I wrapped our fingers together and just played with them.

"You know (y/n) you're one if a kind?" He said speaking softly

"How so?" I asked

"You just are. We don't need to talk to have a good time. I've never had that with anyone else"

"Me neither" I said, I grabbed both our hands together and kissed them.

"I gotta go" ponyboy said. He had to get home early.

"Ok let's bring you down" we walked downstairs.

"Ponyboy you want me to walk with you?" I asked him

"No. I don't want you walking back by yourself" he said

"Bye Mr. And Mrs Jacobs" he said raising up his hand.

"Bye (y/n)" he kissed my cheek and walked outside and began to walk. I watched him from the window.

"Man. That boy is something else" my mom said from the kitchen. I whipped my head around


"What she means is, don't let this one get away. He's a keeper" my dad said finally putting down the paper.

"Don't worry. I won't"

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