Chapter 2

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Justin's P.O.V.

I can feel my heart beating in my throat, almost making it hard to breathe. My hair is drenched in sweat, it starts to drip into my eyes and makes my vision blurred. I watch the right middle forward from the other team, run down the field past our forwards. He kicks the ball with an abundance of power, I speed towards the ball and stop it just before it makes the goal. I quickley celebrate my victory in my head then carry on, I boot the ball to one of my forwards and run up the field. I center myself directly in front of the goal. My player sends the ball flying through the air and of course it lands meters away from me. I sprint towards the ball and blitz the other opponent also going for the ball. He falls to the ground, I dribble past him and center the ball. I aim the ball towards the goal and hope for the best, I send the ball across the ground. I close my eyes afraid to know what will occur next, then that sweet sound goes through my head. I open my eyes to see that the ball landed safley in the goal. The ref blows his whistle sending spit flying through the air, I take a sigh of relief. "Yes!" I whisper throwing my fist into the air, I had made the winning goal 3-2.

So after my team and had left the field, we all drove to Subway and pretty much raided the place. All of us ordered foot longs,  mine of course only had lots of ham and a bit of cheese, oh and a slice of turkey. Yea, I know. I eat picky,  or well as I like to call it "basic". I also dont eat to healthy, what can I say, Zack is the healthy one in this relationship. But when it comes to soccer, im the healthiest person you know. Once most of us had finished our subs, we rode to my house to hang out for the night. We made our way upstairs to the game room and settled in there. Since I am an only child,  im what you call "spoiled" my parents both sleep downstairs while I have all I upstairs to myself. Upstairs I have my game room, normal room, and living room. So in other words, the perfect place for 18 rowdy soccer players.

So I guess its not really the smartest Idea to invite all of the team over at once.

I woke up around about 11:35 a.m. Well everybody was gone.

Great the house is trashed, i dont even remember what happened last night. What is this, a Katy Perry music video? 

I sit on my bed debating with myself whether I should go downstairs and face my parents, or just jump out my window and go hang out with my friends. I think i'll just go with the second choice, I'm not really in the mood to argue with people. My window is already unlocked so it was pretty easy to open the window, I slide to the edge of the roof and jump to the ground. I pull out my phone and call up Kaden and he says i can come over. So I jump my fence and start to his house. No, we dont live in the same neighborhood, but I dont mind walking. Kaden lives about a mile away so I know I have a long walk ahead of me, I pull out my phone to text Zack. I send 'hey ;0'.

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