Chapter 4

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Author's note: The character so called "Rose" known as "Zack's best friend" is based off of my best friend, she is a really cool person. I am dedicating this chapter to her, so enjoy and go follow her @LiveLifeLoud123                                                                                                                                                        ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~          

Rose's P.O.V:

After my mother called me to tell me that it was time for me to head home I grabbed my keys and got in my car. Although I dont really need to 'drive' to Zack's house, considering it is literally in walking distance from where I live, everything seems more fun when you  drive there!

Anyways, the next morning after I have awoken from my deep slumber, I went through my normal morning routine. Which consists of the following; hitting the snooze button at my usual average of 5 times, slowly waiting for my brain to begin to work, brush my teeth, eat an orange & some milk, and then picking up Zack on my way to school around  7:45 a.m. 

"Ugh, Justin still hasn't texted me back in two days!" Zack complained to me as she got into my car

"Zack calm down, he's probably busy. I mean its not like my boyfriend texts me all the time, your overreacting."

"I guess your right, I mean he was probably too caught up with his family."

" I'm always right, when are you ever going to realize that?" Not to be rude to Zack but usually I make way more sense, I am the more intelligent one if I say so myself.

After we got to school we went our separate ways, Zack went to find Justin and i went to 1st period math. Of course for 1st period, the time of the day where i'm most tired, I have the most wretched teacher in the school. I know it sounds like a cliche "character gets the worst teacher in the school" but its true, Mrs. Dublin has been known for being the cause of various dropouts throughout the high school.

Of course I was late for her class because of stupid Charles Trout, he stopped me in the halls asking me questions. When I finally got past him I realized that I was late. I ran to the classroom but that didn't help much, luckily i'm a great convincer otherwise i would have been looking at two days in detention.

We did the usual drill, spend most of the class being taught a math lesson that makes no since and then be given a worksheet that is due at the end of class. Which would be approximately 7 minutes.

I had a few more classes and then bam, its lunch time. I quickly made a break for the lunch line and soon got my food, it took me a few minutes but I finally found a place to sit. You could say that our school's cafeteria is seated the way any other high school cafeteria is, separated between the popular people, the nerds, stuco, ect.

Where I sat was in between Zack and Margo Crock. I don't normally talk to Margo but she just so happened to sit by me, she is kind of annoying. I  want to be her friend and I try to but if I start to be nice to her then she thinks that i'm her best friend or something and it gets annoying.

Lunch has to be my favorite thing at school, cause I can just relax and eat and talk to my friends. Oh yea, I forgot to mention my best guy type friend Realm, he's kind of like a guy version of me except for i'm a little wiser and deeper. Realm was also sitting across from me," Hey are you going to eat your ice cream?" he asked me

"No Realm, I just happened to buy this with my money just so I could give it to you!" I replied sarcastically.

"Well than." He then lowered his head in his defeat.

Later school had ended and I was getting into my car I realized that i had left my home work in Mr. Zapata's classroom. I walked back to the front entrance but the doors were locked, so I figured I would walk around the building to the other entrance. As I was turning a corner I saw two people kissing, I realized that one person of the two people party was Justin, alarmed flared through my body, the girl he was with wasn't Zack. I quickly took a picture of them before they would see me and I ran back to my car and sat in the drivers seat staring at the picture. I then noticed the familiar hair, that was Robin. After I had found out who the girl was, they both walked around the corner together, Robin wiping off her mouth. Justin makes me sick.

I was driving home with questions filling my head, making hard to drive. Should I tell Zack, no I couldn't it would hurt her too much. But I would want her to do the same for me.                                        I cant focus on this right now, I'll figure it out tomorrow. I........ Need.......... Sleep

I spent the rest of the night listening to music and trying to clear my head. I'm gonna have a looooooong talking to with Justin tomorrow.

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