Chapter Three

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Sirius stood, his fur coated with blood and dirt, with the dead wolves surrounding him. He stood triumphantly over the dead Alpha. He heard footsteps behind him, without turning he already knew who it was. “Ahh Puppet Master, glad to see you found your way.”

“It was not hard, master, I merely followed the dead bodies you left,” the beast replied through its mind.

The Puppet Master was a unique creature called a Soul Watcher, a creature that was created by the humans. The Soul Watcher was a being made without the ability to speak, Sirius was the only one able to communicate with it as they were telepathically linked, due to being created by the humans. Like the Sergal, it wasn’t natural. It was midnight black with grey markings on its arms and legs. The darkness of its colors was pierced by its skull white featureless face. Pitch black eye sockets and small nostrils were the only discernable features on the otherwise blank head. A white skull sat at the end of its long tail, a unique feature to the species, this tail was able to steal victim’s souls and convert them, often corrupting the victims to the Soul Watchers side.

“Are you able to revive them?” Sirius asked.

“As long as their soul remains, there should be no trouble bringing them into our fold.” The Puppet Master let out a dark brown pulse that passed through each and every dead wolf. To his eyes only, a small bright light orb rose out of each of their bodies and hovered in the air, waiting for him. The Puppet Master walked over to the first one, Alpha, and used its skull like tail to absorb the light orb. Moments later, the orb was spat back into its owner, only this time it was pitch black. The orb retracted into its host and almost immediately the host's eyes shot open. Alpha stood back up.

“Alpha,” Sirius spoke.

Alpha’s head shot towards him, Sirius could see that his eyes had gone midnight black, a sign that they were completely under his control, but he’d have to test it before trusting the newly revived Alpha. The black wolf snarled. “Sirius… My Lord,” Alpha bowed his head and his tail drooped submissively.

Sirius was pleased that another powerful elemental had joined his cause. More footsteps came from behind as The Puppet Master began to work on the rest of the dead wolves, Sirius turned to see a white Bengal tiger with purple stripes approach him.

“Dark Lady of Fire,” Sirius called.

“You needed me, master?” she replied.

“Go and kill the rest of the pack, they should be deeper in the cave. Leave no one alive. Tell Puppet Master if you find any more elementals,” Sirius ordered.

Sirius looked around, one of his Triad was out recruiting Fayne, another was reviving the dead and aligning them with his cause, while the third was killing every male, female and cub she could find, today was a good day. Sure, three of them had escaped, but Sirius knew that those three weren’t a threat, he’d only come to this den to kill and Alpha and force him to join the Extinction Event. With well over fifty elementals under his rule, he was nearly ready to attack, Fayne was the last big player he needed to ensure his victory. Soon, the humans will get what has been coming to them since they nearly wiped the earth clean of animals. Soon, they will be the ones who are fighting for their lives. Soon, humans will be extinct and the true apex predator will rise, the Sergal.


Ash dodged as yet another fireball hurtled from Elynxis’ mouth, he countered with his own but the fire elemental was much more powerful than he was. The battle was raging on around him, Glaziel was able to fend for herself, taking on three or four elementals at a time. A’rien had managed to make it back to the water and was now using her powers to conjure dark versions of herself to defend Fayne and fight off the remaining elementals. Unfortunately, it wasn’t looking good for them, Ash had sustained major burns from Elynxis and some other elementals who had taken pot shots at him from behind, he could see Glaziel faltering every few seconds and occasionally get hit from an opposing attack. Ash watched as an elemental slipped past A’rien’s constructs and make its way to the edge of the water, Ash knew that the beast was a lightning elemental and that was bad for A’rien. Before Ash could shout out, another fire ball hit him square in the side, sending him sprawling into a tree, which quickly caught fire. He watched helplessly as the elemental slammed their feet onto the water and sent lightning coursing through the water. A’rien screamed out in pain as she emerged from the pool. Her constructs quickly fell apart and she fell unconscious. Ash readied another ball of fire in his mouth but it dispersed as he looked left to see his sister fall, he cried out but nothing happened.

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