Chapter Fourteen

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One morning Ash stood outside Tsubaki’s room, it was the third day they hadn't seen each other, Tsubaki had been out and about but they hadn't been given a mission together since they rescued Mech and Cookie. Ash wondered if he'd done something wrong, it hurt him to not see or hear from Tsubaki. He placed his head against the door.

“I'm sorry if I've done something, Tsubaki, please just talk to me so I know what's going on. I don't like not seeing you. Please just open the door.”

As if Ash's words were heard, the door slid open and there stood the black and red wolf he'd come to love, unfortunately Tsubaki stepped out of the room and headed down the hallway without saying a word, his head was down and his tail drooped. Ash tried to follow after him but Tsubaki had created a wall of Air preventing him from following. Ash tried his hardest to break through the wall but nothing worked, he had to watch as his best friend walked around the corner and disappeared from sight. Ash cried out but tripped over his own feet as the wall dispersed, he began to fall but something wrapped around his waist and stopped him. He got lifted to his feet and placed on the ground, he turned to see Anarchy standing behind him. Without a second thought, Ash pushed his head into Anarchy's chest and began to cry, Anarchy wrapped his arms around the Drago-wolf and let it happen. He had no idea why Ash was crying but he was a friend, so he felt obligated to help him.


Tsubaki walked into the briefing room with nothing but Ash on his mind, he knew what he was doing would hurt him, but Tsubaki also knew that their feelings for each other would get in the way of their true goal, to kill Sirius. His father stood alone in the room going over some files, he noticed his son's presence and closed whatever he was looking at.

“Tsubaki, you're not rostered on for a mission today, what can I help you with?” Tamaki asked.

“I want to know why you're such a pacifist, I've been on three missions now and we couldn't use violence on any of them, why?”

His father sighed, “Because that's not what we are designed for, Tsubaki. We were made to use our Powers to bring the Earth back to its natural state before the humans reigned. We were not meant to be violent killing machines and I'll stand by the old rules. I might have been apart of the Old Legion but I will never use my Powers to harm another Elemental, and I will enforce that for as long as I live,” Tamaki explained.

“What? That doesn't make sense dad, how are we supposed to defeat Sirius without the use of our Powers?”

“Do not forget your place here son, you are no longer the leader of a base and you need to know where you stand. Using Powers is your choice and you've decided to go down this path, I will not stop you from using your Powers but if I find out about it I will have no choice but to banish you and your friends. Is that understood?”

“Yes sir,”

“Good, you are dismissed Tsubaki. I will see you tomorrow when you're scheduled for a mission.”

Tsubaki left, his anger boiling, there was no way they could defeat Sirius without the use of force and if his father wasn't willing to help then he'd have to find help elsewhere.


Ash walked past Tsubaki as he exited the briefing room, he wanted to call out to using friend but Anarchy pushed him inside the room before he could. Ash wiped another tear from his snout and Anarchy rubbed his paw through Ash's hair, making him smile.

“Ash, Anarchy, glad to see you're both up and ready for this. Be aware that this mission will be one of the most important as it will help free your remaining friends. Which I believe is your brother and sister,” Tamaki stated.

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