Chapter Six

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Fayne shielded his eyes as the fire consumed him, a wave of heat rushed over him and he felt it beginning to singe his fur. But something seemed off, the fire wasn't as hot as he’d thought so he opened his eyes. Surprise swept over him as the flames spread around him but none actually touched him. He looked ahead and saw two scale covered legs standing in front of him, an upside down wolf head looked at him through the legs.

“Hey bud,” The wolf stated.

“Ash!” Fayne exclaimed.

With a quick flick of his wings, Ash dispersed the flames and gasps followed. Everyone looked shocked except Sirius, a smirk crossed his face.

“Well well, if it isn't one of the escapees. It was valorous for you to come here and save your friends, but you've entered the belly of the beast and that means you have to deal with each and every one of us,” Sirius stated.

“Ash move!” A voice yelled out.

A shadow leapt over Ash and landed between him and Elynxis, the black and red fur meant that it is could only be one wolf, Tsubaki. Looking to his left, Ash saw Volt beside him.

“And once again I find myself saving you,” Volt said angrily.

Ash heard whispers behind him and turned to see Cookie talking to A’rien, he couldn't hear what they were saying though.

“And now the whole gang is here, maybe this time you'll actually kill them, Flame Prowler, Dark Lady of Fire.”

“One of us needs to handle Puppet Master, he's the one that's got A’rien locked down,” Tsubaki said.

“I will,” Volt replied.

“Okay good, everyone needs to split up and get their attention away from Cook and A’rien while they get our escape route ready.”

“Get them!” Sirius ordered.

“Go!” Tsubaki commanded.

All at once the cavern exploded into sounds, elements flew wildly and Ash had to keep moving to avoid being hit by a single one. He stayed close to Cookie and A’rien and blasted away any incoming attacks. One wolf seemed brave enough to come in close though, the wolf was a dark brown colour with long bolts of white lightning running down its sides.

The wolf charged and Ash met it, as he ran Ash coated his claws and fangs in fire. With a quick flick of his wings he launched himself upwards and dived for the wolf. Ash managed to land in a single glancing blow as the wolf dodged, the wolf fired a bolt from its mouth and Ash counted by spinning quickly and creating a cloak of fire. As he dispersed it, he used the momentum to launch forwards and clamp his fangs down upon the wolves shoulder, the wolf howled in pain and sent lightning coursing through his body and, ultimately, into Ash. He jumped backwards and cringed in pain, the wolf fired another bolt of white lightning, lucky for Ash, a black bolt intercepted it and the two cancelled each other out. The black wolf that was with Fayne and A’rien landed beside him, black bolts dancing around his fur.


“No problem, name’s Kato,” The wolf said before charging at the brown wolf and engaging in close quarter combat.

Ash turned back to Cookie. Another animal, this time a deer, was slowly making their way towards them. Ash made a run for it, once again coating his fangs and claws in yellow flame. He leapt over the deer and let off a Fireball mid flight, the deer screamed in shock and pain but made no sign of slowing down. Ash landed and kicked off immediately, he jumped at the deer and found himself heading straight for several vines that had erupted out of the deer's antlers. The vines wrapped around Ash, preventing him from moving or even attacking. The vines clamped his mouth shut and held his legs outwards, he had no way of attacking as another wolf, this one with light blue fur and a bubble pattern on its forehead walked towards him. It was clearly a water Elemental. Ash hung helpless as the wolf created a bubble of water and flung it at him, he didn't feel sacred as the water would just hit him and he’d get wet. How wrong he was. Ash began to feel fear as the water bubble encased his head and prevented him from breathing. He tried to struggle but nothing worked, he tried calling out but couldn't.

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