Chapter Ten

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The clean up effort was tiring for everyone, the building had to be stripped clean and salvaged, which the Elementals were happy to help with. Once the sight was clear, they were able to combine their powers and form a whole new building with the help of the humans.

Ash lay in the Med Bay bed letting the light heal his wounds and replenish his energy reserves. Tsubaki walked in and was greeted with a smile from Ash.

“How are you feeling?” Tsubaki asked as he placed his paws on the bed.

“I'm fine, still a little drained but I'll be better soon,” Ash replied.

“That's good to hear. Hey I wanted to ask you about what happened with that giant worm Nox created, how'd you take it down?”

“Oh that… Umm well. You know how Aylin and I have been training, well we sort of figured out a way to absorb energy and use it to our advantage, currently I'm the only one who can do it.”

“Okay, well whatever you did, I need to not do that again. We got a massive yelling at by the government for destroying that building and the majority of it was that explosion you caused. So please don't do that again, especially not in a populated area, okay?”

“Oh, okay sure.” Ash bowed his head submissively, Tsubaki placed his paw on Ash's head and rubbed it playfully. Ash raised his head and smiled. “I have one question though, how did Nox create such a complicated construct? I thought the Chaos Element was all about the mind.”

“Okay I think it's time for a proper lesson in the Chaos Element. So Chaos, and it's partner Element: Order, are both a combination of the Light and Dark Elements, Chaos is when the Elements are out of balance, so for example when there is more Darkness than Light, or more Light than Darkness. Order is when the wielder is an equal balance of Light and Dark. From what I've seen, Nox has more Light in him than Dark, and that allows him to create greater and more real constructs, he can still manipulate the mind but he's not as good at it as someone who is more Dark than Light, such as Puppet Master. Does that clear it all up?”

“Yep it sure does,” Ash replied.

“Hehe awesome, now get back to training with Aylin, we only have a few days until Sirius wants us to fight him.”

“Are we still going through with that?” Ash asked tilting his head.

“Of course we are, we're not going to run the risk of Sirius coming here and killing everyone. We need to at least distract him for long enough for everyone to evacuate. Aylin and Cookie will be leading everyone on this base and in the city to another Township to the west, called New Haven, that's the go to pave if this city ever gets attacked. Hopefully the Elementals there will be able to help take down Sirius when we couldn't,” Tsubaki explained.

“Wait so we're sacrificing ourselves for everyone?”

“To put it simply, yes. That's the only way we'll have a chance of defeating Sirius. The three of us will fight with everything we've got, hopefully we can weaken him before being killed.”

“So I guess I should save Overdrive until the very end, as a final gambit,” Ash stated.

Tsubaki nodded before turning and leaving, Ash wanted to follow him but he knew it wasn't the time for anything other than training. He climbed off the bed and walked to the training rooms.

As he entered room 2, Ash was forced into the air to avoid a bolt of lightning from impacting him. Ash landed to see his brother, Voltier, and Tsubaki standing opposite him in the middle of a field. The three of them stood in a triangle formation, each facing the centre and each other.

Elementals: Book 1: ResistanceWhere stories live. Discover now