Chapter Sixteen

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“What's the plan, boss?” Jinx asked as they stood, surrounded by rogues with nowhere to go. Cookie and Anarchy were combining their Powers to create a wall of solid Light to protect them from stray blasts.

“We fight, I'll handle my family, the rest of you need to get the rogues away from the humans. Do whatever you can to take them down and protect the humans, Ash, A’rien, and Anarchy know the way to the old base if you feel the need to go there to fight. But don't take on a rogue alone, do it in pairs and you're more likely to succeed. Understood?” Tsubaki ordered.

“Yes Tsubaki,” they all said at once.

Tsubaki looked back and watched as his friends, the ones he thought of as family, leapt into the fray without any care for their own safety. They were all fighting for what he believed in, they were fighting for him. He looked back at his father and brother, the ones who had abandoned everything D.A.R.E stood for, and snarled. He felt ashamed to call them his family, so then and there he decided they were no longer his brother and father, they were Kouki and Tamaki. And he would treat as none other than rogues who needed to be put down.

“You're making a mistake, Tsubaki,” His father- Tamaki said. “Join our side and this will all be over soon. The humans will be eliminated and we can reign over this world once more.”

“You're the ones making the mistake, the whole point of you, and Sirius, and the D.A.R.E program was to protect the humans. You've done nothing but betray the very thing you were created to do,” Tsubaki retorted.

“And tell me, son-.”


“Very well. Tell me, Tsubaki, where in the title of D.A.R.E does it mention protecting the humans? If I'm not mistaken, it stands for: Defense Against Rogue Elementals, nothing in the name says we must protect the humans.”

Tsubaki was caught off guard by the statement, he took a step back as Tamaki’s words hit him.

“But if you insist on following this path, we will have to treat you as a rogue, like your friends there. Kouki.”

Tsubaki was helpless as the black wolf charged forwards and launched him up into the air, he flipped a few times before regaining his balance and creating a wall of Air beneath his feet. His mind began to wonder if everything he'd done over the last few years was worth it, he'd dedicated his life to protecting the humans when his own family was out there killing them alongside Sirius. Tsubaki found himself lying on the ground covered in dirt as his thoughts brought him back to reality, he looked up to see Kouki above him, his claws swirling with Air.

“If you won't fight, Tsubaki, join us,” Kouki said as he descended towards him. “And then you can watch as your beloved Ash dies at Lord Sirius’ claws. Hahahahahah.”

Tsubaki's entire body exploded with heat at the thought of Ash lying dead, something sparked within him, something that brought him to his feet. He knew his feelings for Ash were strong, but he never thought they'd be strong enough to unlock new Powers.

As Kouki laughed in mid air, Tsubaki launched himself upward with a new found strength. With one swipe of his claws across Kouki’s snout, he sent the Air Elemental flying across the city and into someone's home. He turned as Tamaki began to laugh down below.

“You are so Powerful, Tsubaki, if only you hadn't chosen the wrong side.”

Tamaki flew at him with such speed and such ferocity, Tsubaki had to use his Powers to launch himself backwards to avoid getting pulverized. Tamaki fired off a breath of Fire at him, Tsubaki countered by creating a vacuum around himself, snuffing out any Fire attacks that would come close. The breath attack encased him but none of the fire was able to do any damage. With a flick of his wrist, the vacuum ceased and the fire extinguished, however without a quick erection of a wall in front of him, his father would have slammed head first into him with a Lightning charged headbutt. Tsubaki was pushed backwards but no real damage was done, he quickly moved upwards as he felt the air ripple beneath him. He watched as Kouki flew straight past him and to his father's side.

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