That one e-mail

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It's exactly one week ago that the competition of the radio station was announced. Winners are supposed to get an e-mail today. I couldn't sleep last night, because I was too nervous. Am I going to win? Am I not? Did they like my video? ... All these questions kept me busy. That morning I check my e-mails and the Facebook page of the radio station. Nothing. During the first pause in school I check again. Nothing. I get a little bit anxious and school goes way too slow today. It's lunch time. Still nothing. I decide to text Melanie.

L: "Hey Mel! Have you already gotten an e-mail of the radiostation?" M: "Sadly, no. And you?" L: "Nothing. I'm getting so nervous. What if we didn't win and this is just another lost chance?" M: "Don't give up Leyla! It's only 01:00PM. Still enough time to get an e-mail." L: "I hope you're right Mel, I'm getting crazy up in here!"

Finally, 05:00PM. School's out. I get home and again check my phone. Nothing, just nothing! AAAAH why is it so hard to just send me an e-mail saying I won?! I decide to make some homework and learn for a test I have tomorrow. Then my mother says it's time for dinner. It's spaghetti tonight, my favorite! After the delicious meal I go back upstairs and continue to study. Half an hour later, I'm finally finished. I check my mails one last time. Nothing. I feel a tear coming down my face. Why is it so hard to meet my idol? I was so sure about this one. My video was perfect! I guess I'll just have to accept that I didn't won. I get a text from Melanie saying that she's seen some people who've gotten an e-mail of the radio station saying that they've won. Melanie didn't get one either. 

I get ready for bed and put my music on. As always, Selfocracy is on repeat. I listen the album twice and right when I want to put it off and go to sleep, I get a notification. It's an e-mail. My heart starts beating really, really fast. I see the title of the mail: "Congratulations! You'll meet Loïc Nottet!"

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