If I Die Tonight

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"If I die tonight, tell him he was the most gorgeous asshole I've ever met"


Before I start this story I would like to go over some silly things that shouldn't happen but they do.

First off, you are not allowed to post this story any where else. This is a @fratboyharry story, whichmeans it is my imagination put down into words. I know the temptation of copying this story will be an immense burden but please do not do so( note the sarcasm) .

Secondly, I do not have any relation with any popular artists that are placed into this story.

Third, if you would like to translate this story please speak to me before you do so. I love the fact of other people that do not know English to read my work. But you must speak to me beforehand.

Fourth, this is a fiction story. Therefore, any thoughts, words, events, or anything of the sort are not true and if you do find some event like the one mentioned in my story it is purely coincidental.

Lastly, any songs, lyrics, movies, or any sort of entertainment mentioned in this story do not belong to me but to the artist.

All of my social media will be in my bio if you would like to know more about the characters or the author. Please do make covers and trailers and make sure you send me a link or the cover itself through my mail for recognition (like a shout out).

Other than that, I hope you enjoy this story.

Without further ado, I present to you , If I Die Tonight

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