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"For what?" Tanyaku heran.
"For made all my dreams do come true." Katanya.
"Ok. Now, good night, Greyson."
"Good night too, Cary. Have a sweet dream." Aku tidak menggubrisnya. Aku paksa mataku untuk menutup setelah aku memalingkan badanku darinya.

Quote: "Just be yourself and one day you will find someone who loves you for everything you're, flaws or no flaws"

"HEY! Wake up! Come on!!" Kugoyangkan tangan Greyson agar ia terbangun.
"What time is it now?" Tanyanya dengan suara yang berat. Karna dia masih mengantuk.
"10 am. How long you wanna sleep anymore?" Tanyaku sedikit jengkel. Sulit sekali membangunkannya.
"Ya, just a little bit."
"Maybe its because of me. I shouldn't have let talking with you last night. Now, you are very tired and sleepy. Sorry." Kataku.
"No, its not because of that. Well, actually, maybe I'm gonna tell you one more thing." Katanya malu2.
"What? And why your face seems like shame?" Tanyaku dengan sedikit tertawa kecil.
"Well, because this is so embarrassing."
"Tell me!" Paksaku dengan suara menahan tawa.
"I'm not a morning person. I never wake up so earlier in the morning."
"Really?" Aku menanyainya sedikit tak percaya.
"Yeah." Jawabnya singkat.

Tiba2 gelak tawa yg sgt kencang keluar dari mulutku.
"Why are you laughing? I knew it. I shouldn't tell you about it." Tukasnya merasa malu.
"No, its ok." Kataku masih diikuti dengan gelak tawa.
"I know its so embarrassing. But, stop laughing at me!" Tukasnya lagi, kini dengan nada sedikit jengkel.
"Ok, ok. Well, are you hungry?" Tanyaku mengganti topik pembicaraan.
"Yeah. How I couldn't feel so hungry after I slept so long?"
"Here. I've brought you breakfast. The restaurant has already close." Kataku sambil memberikan sepiring mushroom ravioli dan segelas susu.
"Wow, so, you-are-one-of-my-fans." Katanya sambil memakan mushroom ravioli.
"No, I'm not. Why you said that?"
"Well, you've already brought me breakfast when I was still slept. And I think you know I'm not a morning person from my web or my fanbase."
"No, its because you were didn't woke up when breakfast time. And I decided to brought you breakfast." Jelasku.
"Oh, please. Just be honest." Katanya lagi masih mencoba membuat aku jengkel.
"I'm honest with you! Do you realize? That you are so want to be "CHARMING BOY" among all the girls ever known. But, I'm not interested with you at all. Well maybe I just like your music." Jelasku lagi sedikit slow emotion.
"Relax. I just trying to make you feel so annoyance. And I prove that now. You look so annoyed." Katanya sekarang gantian tertawa.
"So, not funny." Ketusku.
"Sorry. You look mad too. Are you mad?"
"Mad?" Kataku sambil diam2 mengambil segelas air putih.
" NO I'M NOT MAD AT ALL!!" Kataku lagi dengan sedikit kencang dan tertawa sambil menyiram muka Greyson dengan air putih tadi. Tapi hanya mengenai bajunya.
"Oh, no!! I'm wet! Well, I should......WET TOO!!!" Tiba-tiba dia menyiramku lagi dengan air putih yang ada di sampingnya.
"Oh damn! You make me wet too! That's not fair!" Kataku sambil mendorongnya ke kasur.
"Well that's fair! You wet, I wet! Haha." Katanya sambil tertawa gembira melihatku basah.
"NO! Ladies first, you know? So, you have to succumb with me." Kataku lagi, dan duduk disebelahnya, menjatuhkan badannya ke kasur hingga dia diam tak bergerak di kasur dengan tanganku mengahalanginya untuk bangun.
"Yeah, I know that. But I won't stop try!"
"Try what?" Kataku dengan nada sedikit sinis tapi aku candakan sedikit.
"Try to see your face so close like this right now." Katanya begitu lembut dan serak hampir tak mengeluarkan suara.
"Well, you're right. You're win now. Cause we're face so close right now." Kataku setelah mendekatkan wajahku ke wajahnya.
Kini jarak mata dan bibir kami hanya 5 cm. Tatapannya sangat jelas kalau dia ingin menciumku sekarang, tapi aku langsung menggapai air putih disamping kami dan menyiramkannya lagi tepat ke mukanya.

"HAH!! You wet again! I WIN!! Ladies first to win!" Suaraku terdengar sangat girang.
"Yea, yea. We're wet now. Well, who's wanna take a bath first?" Tanyanya tiba-tiba dengan wajah muram.
"Well, maybe just you. I've done that before. And, what happen to you?" Tanyaku setelah melihat raut wajahnya.
"Ok. Nothing." Jawabnya singkat.
"I'm sorry, Greyson."
"Sorry for what?"
"You were want to kissed me. But, I can't. I'm sorry." Kataku langsung memalingkan badan.
"Yea, you didn't want kissed anyone. Included me." Suaranya sangat terdengar kecewa. Dia berjalan melewatiku begitu saja ke arah kamar mandi.
"No, that's not about that. But, hold on for a second. You, didn't get my kiss, but why you feel so disappointed? Are youu have a rejected before?" Pertanyaanku membuatnya kaget. Dia diam sebentar, lalu berkata;
"Yea. I've got some rejected before, from my ex-girlfriend. If I can be honest with you, I couldn't moving on from her until I met you. It has been too long that I couldn't moved on from her. It HAS BEEN 2 YEARS, but, only just after I met you. I think I've moved on from her. And, you've already replacing her." Ceritanya.

"Well, I'm sorry about that. But I know you'll get someone better than her. I can guarantee it."

"Thanks, Carys." Katanya tiba-tiba langsung memelukku.

"Yea, you're welcome." Kataku merangkulkan tanganku ke badannya membalas pelukannya.

Quote: "Sometimes you just have to step forward, and move on. No questions, no doubts, and no looking back......just move on!!"

Dreams Always Do Come True (A Greyson Chance Love Story)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang