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As birds chirped away on thin power lines above homes, Namjoon had his eyes set on the TV, chewing on his homemade oatmeal. Everything that sounded from the television ran straight through Namjoon's ears for he did not pay attention. He stared tiredly at the moving characters inside the electrical box. One girl slammed her juice box in front of a different girl's face while that different girl threw rice at her.

Namjoon didn't really enjoy dramas like these but he decided not to change the channel since his favorite crime show was to show in about 30 minutes. After deciding he had enough of both is non-tasty oatmeal and the dramatic scenes that continued to air, he got off from the couch and moved towards the kitchen in which he practically threw the dirtied bowl into the sink. Reaching for the fridge as he trudged to his left, he took out a carton of milk and chugged the carton until he was satisfied.

Closing the fridge door with a bang, he shuffled upstairs to his room to get dressed before calling a friend of his.

"What," a hoarse voice sounded after 5 rings.

"Hang out with me," Namjoon lazily replied, picking up his finger nails while sitting on the edge of his bed.

"The fuck with that, I have shit do," the man behind the phone shouted.

"Yoongi please, the whole world knows you've got nothing on your hands. Just hang out with your son will you," Namjoon sneered, teasing the older boy. A groan played through the phone as well as the click of the call ending. Namjoon smiled to himself in victory knowing his best friend would show up in just about 3 minutes.

Yoongi was originally the one who told Namjoon to stop graffitiing his fence in return, they somehow bonded a friendship. Namjoon was the first to start the bonding although his reasoning was beyond different, he just wanted to save his ass. Yoongi arrived in no later than 3 minutes as Namjoon had figured and banged on the wooden door downstairs.

"Your long legs don't do you any good huh," Yoongi glared as he walked into the messy house.

"It's not my fault your short legs took a while to come here," Namjoon snickered, throwing a pack of fruit snacks at the latter.

Yoongi caught it after fumbling around for a while and stared at the packet then at Namjoon. "Fruit snacks? What are you, 5?"

Namjoon decided not to answer as he dragged Yoongi's leather jacket towards his car and pushed him into the passenger's seat. Namjoon himself walked towards the driver's seat hearing groans and complaints while getting himself seated and comfortable in his own car. Looking at Yoongi, he smirked as he started the car ignition and pressed the gas pedal.

"Fucking safety first!" Yoongi shouted as he clutched on his seat belt, clumsily trying to fasten it which he then moved to fasten Namjoon's.

"Aw fuck off man, it's no fun if you don't have any thrills in your life!" Namjoon shouted, pulling down the windows and stuck his head out as the air rushed, impacting his face.

Yoongi, who seems to be panicking and although badass but of course a safe adult, held onto the wheel to make sure they didn't get into a car crash. "This is not how I wanted to die, this is exactly why I don't want to hang out with you," Yoongi grumbled keeping his darkened eyes on the road.

All Namjoon did was laugh while sticking his tongue out at an innocent passerby who seeming shook their head in disappointment.

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