Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter Thirteen

I had to have another tense conversation with my Mum, explaining that I wouldn't be coming back before Uni at all. She was taking it about as well as the first time around. 'What about all the things still here.'

'They've been there for a year already, they'll be fine for an extra two weeks.' I tried to keep my tone light but it wasn't easy. She'd said nothing about not being able to see me, it had been about her and everyone else. It hurt, that she didn't want to see me. I'd expect it from my step-dad, but the longer I've been away, the further we've drifted from each other.

'Can I speak to Blake please?'

'No!' I exclaimed, surprised at her request. I didn't need her to guilt Blake in to coming back sooner. 'Mum, it doesn't make that much of a difference. We'll be down the weekend after Uni starts.'

'How are you supposed to focus on your study if you're in an unfurnished house?'

'I'm picking up the rest of my clothes, and books. I didn't own any furniture when I was still living at home. The stuff you let me take, was already with me when Blake and I decided to move in together.'

'What if I just wanted to see you? You never make time for your family anymore.'

Her indignant huff vexed me even more, 'You haven't made the effort to come and visit me since April last year. I hardly feel like that can be the reason.' Blake was watching me with a close eye, probably ready to wrestle the phone from me if he thought I was damaging things beyond repair. I glared back at him before turning to pace the other way.

'Is that what this is all about, you're angry that I didn't come and visit? Oh, Callie, that's mature of you.'

I recoiled from the invisible punch she just threw. 'Mature of me? What's mature, mother, is siding with John against your own daughter, and encouraging the two kids you have together to make me feel miserable. What's mature, mother, is lying about my real father, when all he ever did wrong was trust you when you said you were on the pill. I think you need a reality check on the definition of mature.'

'I didn't encourage them, and stop saying his name like that, you know how I hate it.'

'Well you certainly didn't stop it, now did you?' I snapped back shaking off the hand Blake laid upon my shoulder as a form of comfort. 'Alright, just to summarise, I'm not coming home until February, shouldn't be too hard, I doubt I'll be missed, and it appears I have a shit family who can't defend the choices they make, I actually have to go now. I'm learning what a real family looks like, it's quite exciting actually.'

I hung up the phone with a huff and threw myself onto Blake's bed. 'I'm going to regret that later.' I sighed closing my eyes to avoid Blake's concerned stare.

'What did she have to say?'

I rolled my eyes under my shut lids and dragged a hand down my face. 'Apparently I don't make time for them, and I'm not very mature.'

'Didn't we visit them seven times last semester?'

I bit the inside of my mouth angrily, biting back a nasty comment. 'Yeah,' I pursed my lips together and dropped my phone onto the bed before I threw it at something, 'and considering that a semester is only thirteen weeks, I'd say we did pretty well making time for them.'

'You've got that crazy voice going right now.' Blake commented, he looked a little scared as he watched me from the other side of the room. 'Where your voice is really peppy and positive, but what you're saying isn't and there's an underlying hatred hidden beneath it.'

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