Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen

I needed to make a choice. I felt like it was one of the toughest things I'd had to decide on in a while now. Blake was staring anxiously at me while Nate gave us one glance before writing us off as weirdos. 'Can you just decide already? The ice-cream is going to melt.'

My concentration snapped as I turned to glare at Nate, 'It's in a freezer you idiot.'

'Callie! Come on, the suspense is killing me.' Blake whined as I went back to picking out his ice-cream.

'Fine.' I grumbled, 'He'll be getting mango and coconut, please.'

'Ugh, that's a new one.' Blake grimaced, I'd never known him to be a fan of trying new things. Once he found something he liked, he tended to stick to it. Looking back now, I was slightly in awe that on our first ice-cream date he'd suggested we pick each other's. The ice-creamery we were currently in didn't have the flavour he usually liked, so for the past five minutes I had been waging a war between his two second favourites. Finally, when he and Nate decided to start whining I changed my mind, I picked something he'd never had.

'What did you get me?'

'Salted caramel.' Blake told me as he handed the poor waitress the money. I grimaced, unsure about whether I was in the mood for salted caramel. It was a mood food, one you had to be excited for undoubtedly to enjoy, because I couldn't seem to get though half a large scoop before letting it melt and throwing it away. 'In a small cup, so you can enjoy the whole thing.'

I grinned, suddenly alright with the idea, taking the cup from his out stretched hand and using the small spatula to spoon out a morsel. 'Thanks.'

'Have I mentioned yet that you two are strange?'

'Often.' Blake mused in a dry voice, rolling his eyes at Nate as his friend turned to the doors. 'Did you want to sit down and eat, or did you want to take a walk around town.'

'Oh! Let's go to the boardwalk!' Nate bounced on his toes with a silly grin on his face as he wedged his way between Blake and myself.

Blake shoved his friend out of the way with a playful glare. I laughed while Blake draped his arm around my shoulders, shrugging. 'I'm keen if you are?'

'Why not? Might as well experience everything we can, we'll be back in the city soon enough.'

We walked in a peaceful silence for a while, only interrupted in sporadic bursts as Nate bounded back to us like a homing pigeon after stopping to talk to locals.  I hazarded a glance over my shoulder when I noticed for the nth time that Nate had been held up, this time by a pretty girl who gazed up at him with stars in her eyes. 'He's popular.'

'Only a bit? I think the whole town loves him.' Blake checked over his shoulder to see who Nate was talking to now, a knowing look crossing over his face, briefly, as he realised who it was. 'That's Cindy Wakeford. They used to date in the fifth grade.'

'The fifth grade?' my brows were raised as I gave Blake a sceptical look.

'Yep, thought they were going to get married and everything.' Blake managed to hold back the laughter well, but I could see in his eyes that he was being anything but serious.

'Shut up.' I scoffed nudging him with my hip. 'So assuming that Nate's current popularity is a reflection of past popularity, you two were popular as kids?'

'You didn't already gather that from the way Nate demands the attention in a room? Nate's always been a fun guy, he gets along with everyone, and it's why I wasn't worried when you two met. I managed to hold my own in school, but he's my rock, he was there for me when Cam died. When I secluded myself and tried my hardest to push everyone out of my life, he'd barge through any of the protective barriers I built up. He's always been another brother to me, and I wouldn't be who I am today without him.'

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